Monday, March 12, 2018

22 Week Bumpdate!

Happy 22 Weeks Little Lerma #3!!!

How Big is Baby: The size of a spaghetti squash

Weight Gain: +1/2 in the last 2 weeks, so +6.5 overall.

Workouts: Week 20 I did absolutely nothing. Week 21 I did one prenatal yoga. That's what working extra will do to me. 

Maternity Clothes: I can still wear my regular "fat jeans" but they are definitely getting more snug, so I stick with my two stretchy maternity jeans. Otherwise wearing regular shirts and dresses still. 

Belly Button: Still innie but getting more shallow!

Sleep: Overall well, but daylight savings stinks! Going to sleep around 8:45 or 9 most nights, and waking up once usually to pee around 3 or 4. Some nights I have a hard time falling back asleep for about an hour. Other nights I go right back to sleep, until about 6:30 am or so. 

Cravings: Sushi. Lox, cream cheese and caper breakfast sandwich or bagel. Mac n cheese. Kombucha. Sparkling water. Ice cream. Chocolate. 

Aversions: Nothing I absolutely won't eat. 

What I Missed: Margarita with our mexican sunday dinner. Still craving (but not consuming) ice cold beer!

Symptoms: Very sporadic, very mild nausea. Sore, full boobs. Tiredness but getting much better. Peeing a lot more frequently. Lower back pain. 

Movement: More and more every week! Love it!

Gender: It's a BOY!

Best Moment this Week: Getting through working full time hours two weeks in a row. Three 12's in a row used to be standard, but I'm not cut out for that at my age, at 22 weeks pregnant, and with two little ones at home anymore! Whew, exhausting!

Worst Moment this Week: Probably being in the midst of the above : )

What I am Looking Forward to: Warmer spring weather and getting outside more. Just want to be active with the girls outside and not feel obligated to squeeze in an official workout, when I don't feel like there is enough time during the day!


  1. Wow! Congratulations! Are you still working?

  2. Hi Christine! Yes, I'm working mostly part time (usually 2 days a week, and one weekend day a month) in the PICU and LOVE it! Such a good balance of work and home. Plus no nights really is amazing for me.
