Monday, March 26, 2018

24 Week Bumpdate!

How Big is Baby: the length of an ear of corn! On average, about 12 in long, and 1 1/4 lbs

Weight Gain: + 0 in the last two weeks, so +6.5 overall

Workouts: Week 22 not a single one. Week 23: two prenatal yoga videos, and 2 prenatal HIIT workouts.

Maternity Clothes: Loving my maternity stretch jeans, regular leggings, comfy jammies, and oversized sweatshirts, t shirts and dress shirts for now. Also super grateful for hospital issued scrubs as my work attire!

Belly Button: Certainly getting flatter!

Sleep: Little rough in this department lately, although some of that is to blame on my girls, and some on pregnancy. Both girls seem to rotate who will wake up one night, and then I have such a hard time going back to sleep! Some nights it takes about 45 minutes, other nights it's 2 or 3 hours of being wide awake. Makes for some really sleepy days!

Cravings: I consistently crave sushi, the real pregnancy-unfriendly kind Add to that list super cold beer or champagne (I think it's just the bubbles I'm craving). : ( Also been craving Indian food but we haven't been able to find any near us. Otherwise no real strong cravings, except for all things unhealthy. Loving caprese salads, tuna sandwiches, pizza, creamy soups with crusty bread, cheese and charcuterie boards, fig bars every morning, and 

Aversions: Nothing I absolutely can't eat, but grilled chicken never sounds good. I'm also noticing that I have a bit of a lactose sensitivity lately and it really does numbers on my stomach after I have milk products which stinks b/c I love cheese and milk these days!

What I Missed: Probably just the cravings that can't be filled above. 

Symptoms: In the last week, the gas has gotten really bad. Heart burn has started. Lower back pain has intensified. And pregnancy insomnia, oh pregnancy insomnia!

Movement: Lots of it but still nothing that other people can feel on a regular basis. He feels like he does a whole lot of tossing and turning and flipping around, and less hard punches and kicks.

Gender: It's a BOY!

Best Moment this Week: Getting to hear baby boy's heart beat at his 24 week appointment today. He was doing flips and summersaults in there, and his HR ranged from 140 to 180s because he was a crazy child! I was also told today that a VBAC isn't completely off the table which is new information (from a doc I haven't seen before). So now just trying to decide if I want to go down that route again....

Worst Moment this Week: It was a REALLY rough week at work this week which was physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting which made days off equally so. 

What I am Looking Forward to: My chiropractor appointment this afternoon with a massage!

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