Monday, April 9, 2018

26 Week Bumpdate!

Well hello end of the second trimester! I'm not even really sure where you flew off to. Just like that we will be entering into the third trimester and I just can't believe it!

How Big is Baby: The length of a scallion and weighs about 1 3/4 lbs!
via Babycenter

Weight Gain: +3 over the last two weeks, so +9.5 total. 

Workouts: I did a few prenatal yoga sessions and took some walks. 

Maternity Clothes: One of my friends just gave me an insane amount of maternity clothes so that was fun to go through. Got a few essentials that I think will be worn on repeat. Otherwise sticking to my favorite leggings and sweat pants with t shirts and sweatshirts while I'm at home, and still loving regular scrubs as work. 

Belly Button: It's officially a flattie. I've never had my belly button pop out before, but I'm pretty sure at the rate the belly is growing this time around, it will be out before I know it. 

Sleep: Doing pretty good in that department. Usually falling asleep sometime around 9:30 or 10, and sleeping til 5:40 on work days, and anywhere between 5:30 and 7:30 on non-work days. Usually waking up about once a night to pee, although there are a handful of nights where that doesn't happen which is so nice!

Cravings: Not really craving anything in particular, but loving sparkling water and sweets! Gheesh I could eat chocolate or sour gummies every single day which is so not like me!

Aversions: Not really anything

What I Missed: Sushi! Still craving ice cold beer too!

Symptoms: Belly is growing and growing! Mild occasional heartburn. Lower back aches/pain. Stomach sensitivity/intermittent nausea/gassiness. 

Movement: He's a moving and shaking in there. Finally starting to see the belly move with kicks and punches. Too bad every time Jon tries to feel it he stops completely!

Gender: It's a BOY!

Best Moment this Week: At my last appointment, the MD I saw asked if I was going to try for a VBAC which was news to me (everyone else I had seen said I had to have a repeat c-section). So there's something to think about for sure!  At that appointment, baby boy's HR ranged from 140s-170s (he was moving quite a bit!), and I was measuring 1 cm ahead of schedule which is certainly new this pregnancy given the last 2 I consistently measured behind!

Worst Moment this Week: I've been working full time hours for the last couple of weeks and I'm just tired. It takes a lot out of me to be on my feet and running around a huge PICU divided into 2 floors. Good thing I love my job!

What I am Looking Forward to: Seeing baby boy on US this week at the high risk specialist!

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