Sunday, April 26, 2015

8 Week Bumpdate!

It's amazing how drastically different pregnancies can be.  This one is certainly a lot more rough than Isabella's was (and I didn't find that one all that easy peasy!).  That being said, I am relishing in the fact that I am pregnant, and will gladly take the (few) good feeling moments throughout the day, and use the not so great (ok, downright horrible) times as a reminder that I am indeed, growing another human inside me!

Aaand my severe bloating makes me look like I did last time at 12, 14, even 16 weeks! Lovely!

How Big is Baby: Kidney Bean

Weight Gain: Down 2.3lbs in the last 2 weeks.  Constant nausea and a diet of sparkling water and saltines will do that to ya.  Is it bad for me to get excited about that!?! Too bad I have so much bloat that my pants don't button well!

Workouts:  Despite feeling pretty lousy almost all day of every day the last 2 weeks, I still managed to convince myself that if I got a short workout in, I would feel better.  *That by the way turned out to be a lie...I did NOT feel better, in fact most times felt worse in the nausea department.  But I was proud that I got a workout in : )*  So with all of that, I was able to go on 2 long walks, do 1 prenatal barre class, and 2 strength training sessions.  Definitely short of my goal, but considering how bad I've felt, I'm ok with this. 

Maternity Clothes: Just loving anything stretchy and comfy right now. Being a stay at home mom for the time being sure makes this easy.  I for sure am way more bloated this time around and will definitely be needing maternity pants far sooner than I did with Bella though!

Sleep: Still pretty exhausted...all time time!  Sleeping great usually from about 10 pm til about 3 or 4 am, at which point I wake up to pee and can't go back to sleep for an hour. Happens most nights of the week.  I will be glad when that is over.  Then I'm up for the day when Bella wakes to eat, usually around 6 or 7 am.  I have also taken about three 20 minute naps each week for the past 2 weeks while Bella naps which has been a lifesaver.  SO not like me!

Cravings: Always wanting sparkling water.  Occasionally I will get a weird craving for something salty (green olives, pickles). Otherwise nothing sounds good. Nothing.

Aversions: Pretty much everything fits in this category. I can't touch (or look, or smell, or think about!) chicken, turkey, and most meats.  Anything with a lot of spice or flavor is a no go.  If it's not saltine crackers, fig bars, the occasional gluten free cheese cracker, or rice noodles, it should probably just go on this list.  

What I Missed: Feeling like my normal self! Having more energy to play with Bella and really be engaged as opposed to just trying to get through the next hour.

Symptoms:  Nausea...all day, every day.  I am talking vitamin B6, ginger, doing peppermint and lemon essential oil, and even hypnotherapy.  There are some moments during the day where I get some relief, but those feel far to few and far between.
-Bloating and gassiness (this is real my friends!)
-Sheer wanting to lay on the couch all the time tiredness!

Movement: Still too early, but I look forward to it!

Gender: I have gone back and forth on this one about 10 times a day this week! For now, I will say boy. Jon says "she" whenever he talks about the baby, so we know which way he's going : )

Best Moment this Week: Jon, Isabella and I have been able to take a few drives around our area and find some really great places we will be able to enjoy this summer taking hikes, boating, a family fun park, etc. We are truly loving living in the south!  

But even better, we also were able to tell our closest friends about being pregnant which is always a blast!

Worst Moment this Week: Feeling crummy and like a party pooper most of the time b/c I just want to curl up and lay down ALL.THE.TIME!

What I am Looking Forward to: Our first ultrasound to see our Little Lerma on Tuesday! Cannot wait b/c it will make this thing so much more real!

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