Sunday, April 12, 2015

A Little Announcement!

So I interrupt the normal monthly blogging with an important announcement.  I don't think you will mind the interruption. 

I am one for surprises, and this one is no little thing. Well, technically it is little. Very little. Approximately the size of lentil to be exact. 

Without further ado: 

For Christmas this year, we couldn't ask for anything more,

The Lerma 3 will soon become 4!

That's right...we are expecting Little Lerma #2!

EDD: December 7, 2015!

Let me tell you, for those of you who know our history, you know how HUGE this is for us!

I never in a million years thought I'd be able to get pregnant on our own, without fertility help.  I mean, I hoped and prayed that we would, but I just had it in my mind that it would likely not end up that way.

Hence, the lack of protection since Isabella has been born.  Hence, well, the positive pregnancy test when Bella was 8 months old!

Finding out was a huge surprise.  My cycle has not been normal since having Bella probably thanks to exclusively breastfeeding, and so randomly I will take pregnancy tests after my period is "due", just to confirm that I am indeed not preggo, so I can continue to drink my wine in the evenings : )  

This last time was no exception. I peed on the stick, put it in the holder, and left for 5 minutes. I came back to it, grabbed it, and was getting ready to just toss it in the trash without barely looking at it, when something caught my eye! 

Umm, can that really be 2 lines!?!? No way, there is NO WAY that is 2 lines! 

I must have done something wrong!  **Because yes, that is a very logical, medical way of thinking...the high level, difficult act of peeing on a stick can easily be messed up!** : )

So I took another one.  And then another one a few hours after that.  And despite 3 positives in one day, I still didn't believe it.  So I took another 2 the next day.

In disbelief, I told Jon, and he was in just as much shock as me.  Neither of us were ok with getting too happy or excited yet b/c we have gotten pregnant on our own before, it just never ended well.  So I think utter shock would describe our attitudes for the next 48 hours or so.

I got my act together, got an appointment at the OB the next day to get all of my anticoagulant meds, and well, here we are. Chugging right along.  

OK, maybe "utter shock" could describe our attitudes for the last 16 weeks rather than 48 hours, seeing as it took us this long to put it out there!

Whoa!  I still can't believe it! 

I am pregnant!  Again!  With Little Lerma #2.  We are still a bit cautiously optimistic, but we are definitely very excited, and each week that goes by makes us feel that much more confident that this will have a happy ending.  The fact that we didn't have to "try" is just amazing. The fact that it happened without a ton of hormones, and shots, and lab draws every 2 days is even more amazing.   

So here we go!  Let's do this thing! I can't wait!

***Note:  I wrote each of the blog posts as they happened.  You will be bombarded with a slew of emails (if that's how you read my blog) to catch up as I posted them back to back, now that we are telling everyone! I promise, once you get to 18 weeks, you will get them in real time. Sorry, that's about 9 or 10 posts all slung at you at once!

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