Sunday, October 18, 2020

Happy 28 Months Isaiah Jae!

28 Month Highlights:

- The highlight of this month was going on vacation to Hilton Head, SC. Initially we were booked to go back to an amazing house in Gulf Shores, AL, but hurricane Sally closed the entire island down and we had to find another place the day before we left! Whew! It all worked out in the end, and it was a great family trip!

-You loved swimming, and weren't afraid to put your face in the water and blow bubbles! You loved floating around in the little shark ring!

-First time on the sand....not a fan : ) Good thing you got over it quick, because you loved it the rest of the trip!

-We had a Labor Day bonfire with the Leflers. Fun time!

-You are seriously rocking out potty training! Very few accidents if any these days! You like to sit backwards, which we don't complain because there is no spraying outside the toilet!

-Family Saturday mornings are fun! All pile on the bed and watch a show!

-Camp out trunk or treat this year, with you being the graham cracker, Aubrey the marshmellow, and Bella the Hershey bar

-You love your Mimi!

-We had a fall festival at Tia's house where we made caramel apples, did a little craft and ate a good chili and corn bread dinner!

-Fun fall nights eating dinner on the patio

-We walked around downtown Woodstock to look at all the Pumpkin heads and fun signs. You LOVED it!

-Sweet siblings!

-Mama's a sucker for matching PJs!

-You and Austin are best buddies! Fun to see your little friendship

-Fall baskets! 

Sleeping: Big change this month! You transitioned to a toddler bed! And you have ROCKED it! We trialed it out on vacation, with you sleeping on a twin mattress in the big walk in closet. The night after we got home, we transitioned your crib to a toddler bed and you were SO excited! You were excited to have a pillow, and a bed! You truly have done awesome in it! Otherwise no changes in bedtime or naps these days. 

Eating: You are truly a toddler when it comes to eating. One day you love guacmole, the next, how dare we serve it to you! You love eating fruit, cheese and "crunchies" (veggie straws, annies cheetoes, almond crackers). You don't love most animal protein or any veggies. 


Isaiah Loves:
-Cars, trucks and trains
-reading books
-Making animal noises...and you are so realistic when it comes to them!
-Playing outside, swinging on your tummy, and going down slides
-Playing hide and seek with sisters
-Helping Mama with the "bawk bawks" (chickens)
-Singing, and all things music
-Fav songs: Baby Shark, Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle Twinkle, Un Pequeno Dedo
-Cocomelon songs
-Paw Patrol, Hello Ninja
-Paw Patrol figurines
-Bouncy house

Isaiah Hates:

 -Not being able to go outside
-Going potty when it's inconvenient to him (almost always!)
-Being told no
-Not being able to do something sister's are doing

28 Month Stats:

Height: 35 in (about 25th percentile...not sure I did this correctly)

Weight: 24.5 lbs (about 7th percentile)

*No new teeth, still waiting on all 4 two year molars
*Wearing size 2T clothes with some 18 month pants and shirts in there (lots of 2T pants are way too big for you)

*Wearing size 5.5 or 6 shoes 

Isaiah's Firsts this Month:

-You are slowly and surely improving your vocabulary! "Cuuu" (cute), "Paw" (pops), "Au" (Aubrey), "Baba" and Mama all the time : ) Lots of Dada's! Up, Down, Help, "pees" (please), poo poo (which he calls pee and poop), "oww" (outside), shoes, bar (snack bar), ball

-You learned to count and can get up to 6 no problem, you can get to 10 but mix some of those upper numbers up

-You are learning colors, and for now, have assigned a family member to each color. Mama red or pink, Dada blue, Pops green are the most consistent ones.

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