Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Isaiah Jae 29 Months!

Happy 29 Months Isaiah Jae!

-yup, that attitude ; )


29 Month Highlights:

 -Halloween bonfire!

-Mama took you and Bella to Big Springs Pumpkin farm for a fun day date! You loved the tractor ride and running around in the corn maze. It's sweet to see how much you love "Baba" and she is such a sweet big sister to you. 

-We went on our annual apple orchard trip and it was fun! You loved eating your weight in apples. 

-A sweet woman in our neighborhood made treats for the kids, and you got a plush owl. You loved the "hoo hoo" and now sleep with it

-Mimi day with Austin!

-Water fun with Mimi

-Pumpkin carving night

-Fun Friday at the Harts

-You seriously love playing in water with the duckies!

-Nothing like watching a little Cocomelon with a view (winery after the apple orchard!)

-You love to hide and play in the cabinets. True joy to watch you do this while Mama cooks!

-Silly boy and his "last snack" (RX bar) before bedtime : )

-Helping Mama with the "bawk bawks"

-Does the "Baby Shark" song phase ever end!? You are OBSESSED!

-Family movie night on the porch!

-Oh the boy cuteness in fall gear! Also, #stilllearningtosmile : )

Sleeping: You go to bed around 7:30 pm, and wake up sometime in the 6 am hour. You are starting to call out in the morning and try to get your door open. Bummer. Occasionally you will sit and play until 7, but we are working with you staying in your room until 7:30 am. 

Still napping once a day, usually for 1.5 to 2 hours. 

Eating: No big changes here. Big snacker. Not a lover of vegetables and most animal protein. 

Isaiah Loves:
-Cars, trucks and trains
-reading books
-Making animal noises...and you are so realistic when it comes to them!
-Playing outside, swinging on your tummy, and going down slides
-Playing hide and seek with sisters
-Singing, and all things music
-Fav songs: Baby Shark, Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle Twinkle
-Cocomelon songs
-Paw Patrol figurines
-Bouncy house

Isaiah Hates:

-Being told no
-Not doing something sister's are doing 

29 Month Stats:

Height: 35 in (almost 25th percentile)

Weight: 24.75 lb (almost 5th percentile)

*Wearing 2T and some 18 month clothes
*Wearing size 5.5 and 6 shoe
*Still in size 4 diapers for naps/nighttime

*No new teeth, still waiting on the 2 year molars 

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