Friday, September 18, 2020

Isaiah Jae 27 Months!

 Happy 27 Months Isaiah Jae!

***apparently I totally forgot to take a pic...and here we are 1.5 months later, too late!*** 

27 Month Highlights:

-We had a homeschool playdate. So nice having 2 other buddies your age so close to us!

-We got a bouncy house (early) for Aubrey's birthday and you LOVE it! You jump all over and love to dive bomb right down the slide. 

-Family park really did enjoy it, despite refusing to smile

-Mama was trying to take pics to sell some "baby" things and you didn't want to let this one go! 

-Tia watched you for 2 days while Mimi was on vacation and Mama taught homeschool. You had a blast playing with EL!

-Mimi watches you and Austin one day a week together and you both love it!

-You like to sneak into Bella's 1st grade homeschool whenever you can. you think it's fabulous. Bella thinks you are very distracting. Hard to see why when you are non-stop movement and making noise!

-Patriots Day - wear red white and blue!

-Crazy boy with Mama's slippers (as a kid), paw patrol undies and a back pack : )

-More homeschool fun! 

Sleeping: You are still a great sleeper, although this month you woke up many nights around 2 am crying for less than a minute. You didn't need us, and worked it out. i wonder if you were teething? Bedtime is around 7:30, but lately you haven't been falling asleep until sometime between 8 and 8:30. You wake up anywhere between 6:30 and 7:30 most days, but you play happily in your bed until 8:15 or 8:30. Nap is around 1:30 or 2 and you usually sleep about 2 hours. 


Eating: No big changes this month. Still loving to snack. Not loving vegetables. 

Isaiah Loves:
-Being outside, running around, playing on the swingset
-Trains, cars, anything with wheels
-Hello Ninja cartoon
-Paw Patrol
-Taking baths
-Water table, water buckets, water guns, anything water outside!
-Singing songs and listening to music
-Reading/singing Car Car Truck Jeep on repeat!

Isaiah Hates:

-Being told he can't watch Hello Ninja : )

-Not being able to do something sisters are doing

 -scootching down the want to walk all by thank you!

27 Month Stats:

Height: 34 in (about 15th percentile)

Weight: 24 lbs (about 5th percentile)

*No new teeth, still waiting on 2 year molars

*Wearing 2T clothes and jammies, and 5 or 6 shoe
*Wearing size 4 diapers at naps/bedtime 

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