Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Isaiah 26 Months

Happy 26 Months Isaiah Jae!

"Smile Isaiah!" CHEESEEEE

26 Month Highlights:
-We had a family swim day with the Harts. You loved the water!

-Miss Alaina gave you a ride on airplane and you are OBSESSED! You love riding it super fast all around the house!

-You're happy place is being outside, and you love the swingset. You've just climb right up the ladder and go down all the slides by yourself now!

-You also LOVE "playing" the piano! You are truly fascinated, and want to sit at the piano almost daily for a bit. Of course you also love to turn OFF the piano while sister's are practicing, which they don't appreciate at all : )

-Right after you turned 25 months, you wanted to poop on the potty most days. Mama wasn't concerned at all about trying to potty train you at this point, but if you wanted to poop in the potty hallelujah!!

-We had a family day at Poole's Mill Bridge park which had a cool little water fall slide. You mostly liked to wade in the shallow part at the base on the waterfall, but a few times towards the end would slide from about halfway up. We had a picnic lunch afterwards. 

-HUGE new highlight is you all out threw a fit a few days before you were 26 months because you did NOT want to put your diaper on in the morning after you had pooped on the potty. Mama was definitely not prepared for this, so grabbed some of Aub's underwear and we gave it ago. I would be lying if I thought it was going to stick, but you have done SO well!! Way to go buddy!

Sleeping: Still a rock star sleeper! Bedtime is 7:30 and you sleep about 12 hours but happily play in the morning until we get you! Nap is around 1:30 and you sleep about 2 hours most days. Putting you to bed is a TRUE JOY! You get so excited for nap and bedtime, and just love bedtime routine, and actually going to bed! SO grateful for that!

Eating: You are a bigtime snack lover! The pantry may be your favorite room in the house : ) Overall you are a good eater though, so we can't complain. You don't eat many veggies, but can throw down potatoes. Favorite foods these days: granola bites, z-bars, squeezies, cheese sticks, blueberries, strawberries, yogurt cups and yogurt squeezies.

Isaiah Loves:
-Trains, cars, anything with wheels
-Hello Ninja TV show
-Riding his bike
-Playing outside, playing on swingset
-Eating lots of snacks!
-Reading, favs include Car Car Truck Jeep, Where Do Diggers Sleep at Night, Llama Llama Nighty Night
-Playing hide-n-seek with sisters
-Running around the house chasing sisters with push toys and ride on cars 

Isaiah Hates:
-Being told no
-Not keeping up with Sister's
-Thinking sister's are taking something

26 Month Stats:
-Height: 33.5 in (approximately 10th percentile)

-Weight: 25 lbs (approximately 10th percentile)

*No new teeth, just waiting on your 2 year molars

*Wearing 18 mo-2T clothes, size 5 shoes

*in size 4 diapers

-New words: Finally saying Dada consistently! Also loves to say "Yee Haw" and YEAH! Repeating sounds we say so much more, including yes mam, thank you, please (peeeease!!), and of course pee pee and poo poo.

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