Thursday, June 18, 2020

Isaiah Jae 24 Months

Happy 24 Months Isaiah Jae!

24 Month Highlights:
-You are definitely an outdoor boy. When you get crazy, I mean fussy, we take you outside and you are so much happier!

 -Picking flowers for sweet!

-You LOVE the water! Water table, sprinklers, playing in the well spiggot, and this make shift pool at Cate and Addie's birthday enjoy them all!

-You love the playground!

-Impromptu dance party after breakfast with sisters!

-Running in some rain puddles in the cul de sac after a quick summer storm

-This was taken just after you were standing on the stool...on the coffee table...and then wanting to jump off! When I said to get down, you knew you shouldn't do it, and said "Oops!" : )

-Being a goofball like usual. You love making us laugh!

-Another day, another picnic with your bestie!

-Mama wanted to get a fire truck to come into the neighborhood to help celebrate your birthday! Luck would have it...we were out in the cul de sac playing when they came driving by to check the fire hydrant! They let you go all around to check out the truck, and gave all the kids fire hats!

-One of your favorite activities...jumping from the ottoman into our laps!

 -Celebrating Isabella turning 6!!

Sleeping: No big changes. Still a great sleeper. Bedtime is around 7:30 and you usually sleep about 12 hours. You stay happily in bed in the morning until 8 or 8:30. Nap is sometime between 1 and 2, and you nap 1.5-3 hours. 

Eating: No big changes, you are a good eater overall, and LOVE food! You are especially a great snacker and love treats! Favorite foods: salami, cheese, yogurt, apple sauce, fruit of all kinds, cereal with almond milk in the mornings, frozen blueberries, GF pizza, almond crackers, annie's cheetoes, veggie straws, hippeas.

Isaiah Loves:
-Being outside
-Going down the slide
-Riding his bike
-Being pushed in the push car
-His lovies and some other stuffed animals
-Listening to music (Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle Twinkle, and Baby Shark on repeat!)
-Reading books (Llama Llama, Car Car Truck Jeep, Where Do Diggers Sleep are some favs)
-Chasing sister's around the house with push toys
-Firetrucks, cars, trucks...anything with wheels
-Train set
-Water table and just playing in the water or well spigot

Isaiah Hates:
-Being told no
-Not being allowed to jump on couches
-Not doing something sisters are doing

24 Month Stats:

Height: 33 in (about 10th percentile)

Weight: 22 lb 14 oz (about 7th percentile)

Teeth: he now has ALL his teeth, except his 2 year molars!

*Still wearing size 3 diapers, but the next box we buy we will size up
*Wearing mostly 18 month things, and some 2T that run smaller
*Size 4.5 or 5 shoe

Isaiah's Firsts this Month:
-Still not saying many words (working on it with speech therapy!), but he's got "Whoa" "No" "Oh no" "yeah" and a whole lot of very realistic animal sounds down!
-Best word of all...he's saying Mama consistently!!
-Doing great with sign language --> please, water, help, open, song, book, again 
-Insisting on walking down stairs like a big boy, heaven forbid he sit and scooch

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