Thursday, June 18, 2020

Isaiah's 2nd Birthday

Birthday's these days, in the time of quarantine and social distancing look so different! We kept it super simple, and super sweet for this crazy guy's birthday!

Isaiah Jae, you are a true joy. Yes, we say this sarcastically some days. But most days, we truly mean it! You definitely complete our family. You are our grand finale. Our cherry on top.

You are silly, feisty, and strongly opinionated. You are a lover of music, balls, anything with wheels, good food, and being outside. You don't like being told no, or not being able to keep up with sisters. 

You are tiny for your age, but you make up for it in personality. 

We couldn't imagine our life without you. You are a blessing and a dream come true. We love you to the moon and back!  

 -Mama and Daddy got you a building blocks food truck (two of your favorite things...good food, and blocks!). They also got you a replacement "Car, Car, Truck, Jeep" book b/c you essentially have shredded the one you got from one of Mama's co-workers right after you were born. A few pair of sunglasses, and a soft fuzzy penguin rounded out their gifts. 

-DL, EL and Tia & Uncle G got you a car coloring book, a shark wash cloth, and a balloon which was probably the hit of the party : )

-Mimi and Pops got you a cool musical and light up car driver play toy

-You expertly blew out both candles which was a surprise to Mama!

-We had GF/DF hot fudge brownie sundaes. SO ate it up!

Super fun, quick evening party to celebrate our little guy turning the big TWO!!! Isaiah Jae, we can't wait to see what this year will bring for you!

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