Monday, May 18, 2020

Isaiah Jae 23 Months!

Happy 23 Months Isaiah Jae!

-You insisted on "reading" your fav book while Mama took the picture...only appropriate I suppose since we read/sing this one about 45 times every single day! "Car, car, truck, jeep!"

We say it every month, but it rings more true the older you get. You are our cherry on top. Our grand finale. Our true joy (we really do mean that, even though some of your rough days that's said sarcastically!). I can't believe you are almost TWO! How did that happen!?

23 Month Highlights:

-You are getting the concept of smiling for the camera on demand now. Doesn't mean you are cooperative most of the time, but you certainly know what I'm asking. 

-Your happy place is outside playing. You would literally stay out ALL day if we let you. Except you'd demand food, b/c you do get hangry.

-This month you started participating in Mimi's monthly rock painting. This month you all did something to celebrate Daddy's birthday. Your's was a birthday balloon and you loved painting!

-YUM! First garden strawberry! You ate it UP!

-We are still in quarantine and your hair was getting SO long so Daddy cut it for you. You look like SUCH a big boy now!

-Yup, no clothes, but still happy b/c you're outside!

-When the little nugget asks for Mama's banana right out of her hand on a lazy Saturday morning, you just give it to him : )

-You LOVE your new water do big sisters!

-We got our mini orchard planted!! 2 nectarines, 2 apple trees, a plum and a fig tree

-You love to color, especially now that the weather is nice and we can do it on the screened in porch

-We love picnics in the pasture! You did not love the running in the sprinkler part!

Sleeping: You are an amazing sleeper, let's just say it! Bedtime is around 7:15/7:30 and some nights you fall asleep pretty quickly, while others you just lay quietly playing with your lovies until you do fall asleep (around 8 or 8:15). You wake up usually in the 7 o'clock hour, and stay happy in your bed until we get you around 8, but even if it's later you are a rock star. 

Nap is around 1:30 or 2, and you sleep anywhere from an hour and a half to 3 hours (average is prob about 2 hours most days). When you are teething (most days these last few months!) you wake up not so happy, very irritable and crying. Makes for some not so fun evening times. 

Eating: No big changes. Pretty good eater, excellent snacker. You know exactly what "Last Snack" is, and beat your sister to the panty many nights : ) Breakfast most days is yogurt cups with dry cereal, cereal with milk (you've starting adding milk now b/c sisters get it!), or oatmeal. Lunch is usually a deconstructed sandwich, a "crunchy" (veggie straws, hippeas, pirates booty, etc), and fruit. Dinner you eat what we have, or a deconstructed version of it. You still won't touch most vegetables I put on your plate. 

Isaiah Loves:
-playing outside
-riding his bike
-water table
-throwing balls
-listening to music
-singing and dancing
-elephant and "blue-y" lovies
-Car, car truck jeep book
-Twinkle Twinkle Little Star song and all the hand motions

Isaiah Hates:
 -not getting to be outside ALL day long!
-not being able to do something sister's are doing
-being told no

23 Month Stats:
Height: 31.5 in (under the growth

Weight: 22 lb 5 oz (about 7th percentile!)

*Wearing size 3 diapers still
*Wearing 18 month jammies, and mostly 18 month clothes, but a lot of the 12 mo shorts fit better than the bigger 18 mo. Also 2T tshirts are swimming on you : )
*Wearing size 4 shoes

4 new teeth started popping through this week but are still tiny! I think that's 12 total.  

Isaiah's Firsts this Month:
-You are walking down stairs more and more rather than sitting and scooching...Mama gets so nervous! 
-You started saying "ha" for hat! woot woot! 

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