Saturday, April 18, 2020

Isaiah Jae 22 Months!

Happy 22 Months Isaiah Jae!

22 Month Highlights:
-When in quarantine because of Covid, you get out of the house as MUCH as you can! Thankfully, we are quarantined with Mimi and Pops!

 -Crazy nakee baby! Enjoying ALL of Aubrey's toys on her giant bed!

-Social isolation baby jail : )

-"Hey babe, take a picture since we are all on the couch" which turns into Nuggie throwing himself off, and then trying about 52 times to get 1 decent pic. Oh boy!

-Stopping to smell the roses. Or irises : )

-Chicken whisperer

-When you are happy, oh man, are you the most fun to be around! Such a true joy! When you are teething, everyone WATCH OUT! 

-You LOVE reading, particularly Car Car Truck Jeep, and you figured out you could reach through your crib slats and grab it in the mornings! You were so excited and "read" for a good 20 minutes before we came to get you!

-We got you a balance bike bc sister's had one and you kept trying to get on theirs. You loved it! 

-Mimi's Easter surprise...window clings

-Another day, another bike ride

-Dying Easter Eggs!

-The day before Easter was gorgeous, warm and sunny so we spent a lot of it outside. We had a bonfire dinner, and a big pasture easter egg hunt. You LOVED finding eggs this year!

-Easter breakfast! Gotta be a cute lil bunny!

-Easter basket - kite, football, & a new book

-We may be in quarantine still, but we got all dressed up and had a nice Easter meal. 

-You think you are as old as sisters, and want to walk down steps but you are definitely too small. You get excited when sisters sit and scootchie with you : )

-Big yummy brunch for Daddy's birthday! 

Sleeping: I have to give you major credit in the sleeping department! You are a TRUE JOY to put to bed, and you are a great sleeper. And unless you are having a rough teething time (which usually only impacts naps), you are so content in your bed just playing, and even reading, since you figured out you could reach your basket of books. Bedtime is still 7ish and you usually sleep about 12 hours. You play quietly until we get you, around 8 or 8:30 most mornings. Nap is sometime between 1 and 2, lasts 1.5 to 3 hours.

Eating: You have now moved out of the "high chair" on the island stool, onto the booster seat at the table. You LOVE it! No big changes in food preferences this month. You can eat your weight in fresh fruit though. And dear lord, when you are done with something, you tend to throw it. Trying to break that habit! 

Isaiah Loves:
-Bath time
-Elephante lovie and "blue-y" lovie 
-Cars, trucks, trains
-Balls, or throwing any object he can
-Puzzles....but you get SO frustrated when you can't put the pieces in!
-Reading books, favs this month Car, Car Truck Jeep; Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Touch and Feel books, Little Blue Truck books
-Being outside, swinging, running around, taking walks in the neighborhood
-Riding on your balance bike
-Baby Shark and other songs on You Tube
-Music and dancing!!!

Isaiah Hates:
-Being told No
-Not being able to do something sister's are doing
-Not being able to go outside
-Getting the tablet taken away/having to turn it off

22 Month Stats:
-Height: 21 lb 12 oz (about 5th percentile)
-Weight: 31 in (I stink at measuring height apparently, I don't think he shrunk); below growth curve though

-Wearing 12-18 months clothes, size 4 shoes, and size 3 diapers

-Teeth 10 fully through, 4 that are just starting to poke through!

Isaiah's Firsts this Month:
-You are saying a lot of animal sounds this month: elephant, dog, bear, lion, bird, chicken
-You say "vroom vroom" every time you see a car or truck
-You are consistently signing "please" "more" "water" and "all done" without prompting

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