Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Isaiah Jae 21 Months!

Happy 21 Months Isaiah Jae!

21 Month Highlights:

-It was rainy for almost a week and we were running out of indoor things to do! Then we remembered play dough and you LOVED it!

-We went to the mall to play at the play space which you love.

-Mama is at the tail end of her half marathon training, and you love the stroller runs, even on the cold and rainy days!! Somedays, you even take a nap for a majority of it (like the day below!)

-Your happiest place is OUTSIDE! Scooters, running around, throwing balls, taking a walk, riding in the push car, doesn't matter, you are super happy if you are outside.

 -We've spent a lot of time out in the pasture with the chickens and you are liking being around them more and more

 -Oh boy, we are in trouble when you get your drivers permit. Little shorty!

-Playdate with the Harts. You and Austin are best buds : )

 -This little thing (said OH SO sarcastically!) called Covid 19 which turned into a pandemic happened this month. It was the start to a who knows how long social isolation, and so much time was spent outside when the weather cooperated just to get out!

-Good thing you love the play room too, though, and are getting better and better at playing by yourself for periods of time. That being said, you are happiest when sister's are in there with you, which is more and more since school has been cancelled through end of April!

-Family pizza night out!

Sleeping: No big changes. Bedtime is still 7ish and you wake up about 12 hrs later, but play in bed til we get your around 8 or 8:30! You figured out how to grab books out of your bin next to the crib which has made you very happy : ) nap time is around 1 or 1:30 and you sleep for 1.5 to 3 hrs.

Eating: No major changes. Still spitting out most veggies and animal protein. Loving fruit, yogurt, GF blueberry muffins, veggie straws, smoothies, pirates booty, cereal, and cheese. 

Isaiah Loves:
-Bath time
-Elephante lovie and "blue-y" lovie

-Cars, trucks, trains
-Balls, or throwing any object he can
-Puzzles....but you get SO frustrated when you can't put the pieces in!
-Reading books, favs this month Car, Car Truck Jeep; Wheels on the Bus, Touch and Feel books, Little Blue Truck books
-Being outside, swinging, running around, taking walks in the neighborhood
-Baby Shark and other songs on You Tube
-Music and dancing!!!

Isaiah Hates:

 -Not being able to go somewhere when someone else goes "bye bye"
-Not being able to do something the girls get/can do

21 Month Stats:
 Weight: 21.5 lbs (about 7th percentile!)

Height: 31.5 in (about 2nd percentile)

*Wearing 12 and 18 month clothes, size 3 diapers, size 4 shoes

*Definitely cutting teeth this month, but I have no idea how many are in your mouth b/c you clamp it shut and won't let me look!

Isaiah's Firsts this Month:
 -Words! "No" "Whoa" "Uh oh" "Yeah"

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