Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Isaiah Jae 15 Months

Happy 15 Months Isaiah Jae!

15 Month Highlights:
-You LOVE electronics, and drumming. 

-You also love crawling under tables, cabinets, anything you can get yourself into!

-Listening to Isabella play piano, while spending time with Daddy

-Little drummer boy

-And this was when your mobile came down...when you started cruising all around your crib and playing with the animals!

 -Isabella loves playing piano for you. You love coming up behind her and pulling her hair!

-Auntie Debora came for a visit (with Uncle Andrew and Karly for the Fantasy Football draft weekend) which was fun! You were overwhelmed by all of the people in our house at first, but then you really warmed up to her. 

-Family pizza night to celebrate Uncle G becoming a citizen

-You got a nasty stomach bug which the diarrhea lasted 9 miserable days. The first day you got it though you had fevers and were just miserable, laying around, doing a whole lotta nothing. poor baby!

-You love the ride on car, even though you still can't ride it yourself. You just love all the music it plays!

Sleeping: Bedtime is around 7 pm, you sleep til sometime in the 6 am hour, and we try to wait to get you out of bed until 7ish. Some days you make it, others, you don't. 

First nap is around 10 am and you sleep anywhere from 1.5 to 2.5 hours. The days you take a longer nap, you refuse nap in the afternoon. We still lay you down around 3 but you just play in bed til 4. 

Eating: You hate vegetables. You love veggie straws. You also love oatmeal, cheerios, ham, burgers, toast, guacamole, PB sandwiches, and most fruits. You started feeding yourself with a spoon this month as well, although "feeding yourself" is a loose term. It mostly means you play with the spoon, and occasionally get some food item in your mouth : )

Isaiah Loves:
-Musical toys
-Stand up musical/activity table

-Reading books
-Push toy
-Playing with remote controls
-Putting things into buckets, drawers, baskets, etc and taking them back out, repeat

Isaiah Hates:
 -Not getting things on his food tray he's expecting (OHHH the squealing!)

15 Month Stats:
 Height: 29 in (Mimi measured this month), 2nd percentile 

Weight: 17 lb 4 oz (under the growth curve again)

*Still 6 teeth, 4 on top, 2 on bottom

*Wearing size 3 diapers, 9 month jammies, 6 month summer outfits, and 9 month onesies/clothes

Isaiah's Firsts this Month:
-Walking with a walker...still no independent steps 

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