Friday, October 18, 2019

Isaiah Jae 16 Months

Happy 16 Months Isaiah Jae!

16 Month Highlights:
-We went to the beach for 11 days which was awesome. You did a great job overall sleeping, and most days just took one nap because you enjoyed being on the beach.  Mama tried to get you to nap on her one day at the beach, but you weren't having it. You wanted to be in your bed, or a part of the action. 

 -We had dinner one night at a fun family restaurant, right on the water

-We had lunch another day at a place right on the bay, and you loved watching all of the birds, fish, and kayakers that passed by!

-Enjoying lunch poolside one day

-You loved the kiddie splash pad!!!

-We spent a good amount of time outside this month because despite being October, it still felt like summer! You LOVE to swing!

-Halloween jammie time!!

-We went to Hillcrest Apple Orchard and had a blast. You ate your weight in apples : )

-You are cruising and climbing onto everything this month, but still no independent walking

-Trunk or Treat at MCA was a blast. We even won 2nd place for our Bakery themed trunk!!

-You love to roll on the ground and be silly to get us to laugh. Works every time! 

Sleeping: Bedtime is still 7pm (ish). You sleep until about 7 am the next morning, and on most days we let you play in your crib until 7:45 or 8 am. 

You started dropping your second nap more consistently this month, so over the last week we've made a more conscientious effort to condense naptime into one longer one. Some days you go down around 11:30 (when you're just wiped), but we try to hold you off until 1245 or so. You sleep 2.5 to 3 hours most days...holla! 

Eating: No big changes. Favorites this month include: yogurt squeezies, PB sandwiches, oatmeal, cheerios, pirates booty (thank you vacation for introducing him to what we affectionately call Baby Crack), strawberries, raspberries, hamburger, cheese, and mum mums. 

Isaiah Loves:
-Musical toys
-Stacker toys
-Remote controls
-Putting on Daddy's hats
-Playing with cars
-Throwing balls
-Listening to music and dancing

Isaiah Hates:
-Sign language (not sure why he refuses bc he knows "more" and "all done" really well...he just refuses to do them most times! urgh!)

16 Month Stats:
Height: 30 in (about 5th percentile)

Weight: 17 lb 6 oz (still well below the growth curve)

*Teeth - no new teeth, still 4 on top and 2 on bottom

*Wearing 9 month jammies and clothes, although you have some 6 month summer outfits you're still rocking, and some 12 month things that fit fine.

*Still size 3 diapers.   

Isaiah's Firsts this Month:
-Walking with walking toy well, or holding 1 finger

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