This month has been a total blur in most regards, mainly because we moved, but I have to say, not a single day has gone by that I haven't said or thought "Oh wow, I absolutely LOVE this age!!" It is seriously the best! I love that Aubrey is not a baby anymore, but still loves to snuggle and rock and cuddle, but she's also not a complete toddler who thinks she's 12 already and can just talk back! Best of both worlds this 1.5 year phase is!
Happy 19 Months Aubrey Lynn!
19 Month Highlights:
-I don't have any pictures of it (or any I'd want posted on the internet most likely!), but you have gone poo poo on the potty twice this month, and pee pee once! I think you see your big sister climbing up the potty ladder and you just wanted to do it too. Not gonna hate if you keep pooping in the potty instead of your diaper. And I have a huge suspicion if I took 3 days to do Potty Training Bootcamp with you, you'd pick it up so quickly. But we are busy right now, so that will have to wait.
-You love going to Mimi's house because you will always find new things to play with. This hard hat and baby doll crib kept you entertained for quite some time!
-We didn't have many park days this month because it's hard to take a toddler with a broken leg to a park with another toddler who wants to run around like a crazy lady! But, one day after a run around a park, we stopped by for about 12 minutes which was long enough to do some swinging (which you love!), and ride on a few things both you and Bella could do.
-You found an app on Daddy's phone that you LOVE doing! I will let the pictures do the rest of the explaining!
-The day you turned 19 months, we moved into our new home. It has been a crazy year of building and dreaming, and we are so excited the time has finally come! It was bittersweet leaving the Belmore Manor home, because that was the home that we brought you home from the hospital to. That was the home that Mama was pregnant with you in. That was the home that held a lot of memories for our family. But, we are so excited for our new adventure, and creating memories in our new home. Our prayer is that you and Isabella can grow up in this house, and continue to come back to visit once you are married and have kids of your own. AKA: I never want to move again, until we decide it's time to downsize!!
Towards the end there wasn't much to play with. Boxes make impromptu toys!
-You love going to Mimi's house because you will always find new things to play with. This hard hat and baby doll crib kept you entertained for quite some time!
-We didn't have many park days this month because it's hard to take a toddler with a broken leg to a park with another toddler who wants to run around like a crazy lady! But, one day after a run around a park, we stopped by for about 12 minutes which was long enough to do some swinging (which you love!), and ride on a few things both you and Bella could do.
-You found an app on Daddy's phone that you LOVE doing! I will let the pictures do the rest of the explaining!
-The day you turned 19 months, we moved into our new home. It has been a crazy year of building and dreaming, and we are so excited the time has finally come! It was bittersweet leaving the Belmore Manor home, because that was the home that we brought you home from the hospital to. That was the home that Mama was pregnant with you in. That was the home that held a lot of memories for our family. But, we are so excited for our new adventure, and creating memories in our new home. Our prayer is that you and Isabella can grow up in this house, and continue to come back to visit once you are married and have kids of your own. AKA: I never want to move again, until we decide it's time to downsize!!
Towards the end there wasn't much to play with. Boxes make impromptu toys!
Sleeping: Bedtime these days is 7:30 which is kind of a loose time, because sometimes you are down by 7:15 (ok, like once a month!), and other nights it's 7:45 or closer to 8. Just depends on what we have going on. Either way, you fall asleep quickly and sleep until about 7am, and we leave you in the crib as long as we can which usually means sometime between 7:30 and 8am. Yes there are days you are up at 6 or 6:30 and want out of bed promptly before 7, but luckily those days are fewer and fewer each month.
You nap once a day at 1pm, and nap anywhere from 1 hr 15 min to 2.5 hrs. And very occasionally, you will sleep almost 3 hours. But that's not a norm!
Eating: Some days you are a great eater, and other days you eat very little. You are however consistently picky! And consistently messy! You refuse to let us feed you because you want to do everything your big sister does, especially using spoons and forks.
I can't get you to eat a green vegetable, or any vegetable (potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn included!) to save my life! So that's a bummer for mama.
I can't get you to eat a green vegetable, or any vegetable (potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn included!) to save my life! So that's a bummer for mama.
Some of your favorite foods include: macaroni and cheese, squeezies (although you are VERY picky about brand and flavor!), cheerios, cheese, strawberries, bananas, ham (at least on most days), eggs, greek yogurt (plain, heaven forbid I put fruit or jelly in there!).
Aubrey Loves:
-Playing outside
-Ruff Ruff, Tweet and Dave (the cartoon)
-Singing and music (Baa Baa Black Sheep is your JAM this month and you are singing more and more of the cute!)
-Taking baths
-Playing hide and seek or being chased
-Swinging at the park
-Playing tea party
-Playing in Mama's closet, taking out every single shoe and pulling necklaces off the rack!
Aubrey Hates:
-Being in her carseat, although she is getting better if silly songs are playing
-Leaving the park
19 Month Stats:
*apparently I stink at measuring height b/c last month she was 32 in, and despite measuring about 5 times, I still got 31.5. Oh well, rough measurements!
*apparently I stink at measuring height b/c last month she was 32 in, and despite measuring about 5 times, I still got 31.5. Oh well, rough measurements!
Height: 31.5 in (approx 35th percentile)
Weight: 22.3 lbs (approx 15th percentile)
Teeth: No new teeth this month, still have 16
*Wearing mostly 18 month things, although we still use a good amount of 12 month summer stuff (bathing suits, shorts, etc).
*Wearing size 4 shoe
*Wearing size 3 diapers