Sunday, October 25, 2015

34 Week Bumpdate!

6 weeks left just doesn't seem possible! I mean, as much as my body is ready to be done, I don't know that mentally I am there yet!  But nothing like time flying by and reality setting in to get me there : ) I know once Aubrey is in my arms the fear of the many, many sleepless nights (followed by sleepless days since I'm such a pathetic napper!) and just the difficulties that come with a newborn (and a 17 month toddler to add) won't even be a thought in my mind. Or perhaps I'll be too tired to think deep like that : ) Either way, the due date is coming up faster than I thought possible! 

 How Big is Baby: The size of a butternut squash!
It's crazy to think that an average baby can weigh more than Bella did at birth at this point!
Weight Gain: +3 in the last 2 weeks, so +6 overall.
Workouts: Week 32 I did one full body toning session, one yoga session, and 3 walks (3 miles x1, and 2x 2.5 miles). Unfortunately my walk/run combos are now done because running was just getting too hard on me, not so much during the run but that night and the next day. 
Week 33 I did 2 full body weights session, 2 yoga sessions, a 3 mile walk, and a fun day in an apple orchard with some walking uphill (so we'll count that too!).
Maternity Clothes: Definitely needing the pants, can still get away with non-maternity shirts that were bigger, but loving the few maternity shirts I do have.
Belly Button: The top part is officially out, the middle and bottom still flat. I realize since I am bigger this time and it's now starting to protrude how truly odd my belly button is. But Bella has become obsessed with it in the last 2 weeks which just cracks me up!
Sleep: Some terrible nights of insomnia for an hour or 2 at a time, some great nights of 8 hours uninterrupted. Just don't know which one I am going to get. Overall though I feel like I have had a lot better sleep in the last 2 weeks than the previous 2, mostly b/c I have just been so exhausted!
Cravings: Milk, macaroni and cheese, creamy soup (in a bread bowl would be nice!), mixed berry Kombucha, dark chocolate, and boneless buffalo wings. It's a good thing I don't buy most of these things or I would be about 50 lbs heavier than I already am!
Aversions: Ground beef/turkey, grilled chicken.
What I Missed: Still missing ice cold fall beers, particularly a really good pumpkin one!
Symptoms: EXHAUSTION! And just tired of being tired : ) Lower back extreme stiffness and tightness which makes for interesting walks to the bathroom in the middle of the night as I think sometimes crawling might be easier.  Heartburn.  And nausea has come back intermittently...not fun!
Movement: I say this every week, but it is oh so true! This little lady is an insane mover and shaker! She moves in ways and amounts that Isabella never did. I seriously think she is going to be our crazy little lady! And despite the space in there getting so much smaller with her growing, she still thinks that she can flip around which is definitely not comfortable...and sometimes downright painful!
Gender: It's a GIRL!
Best Moment this Week: My girl's weekend to Nashville was a blast! Great to catch up with besties that I haven't seen in far too long!
Worst Moment this Week: I have been so tired this last week my motivation to get stuff done has fallen by the wayside. Just waiting for that surge of energy and nesting to kick in so that I can get Aubrey's nursery in order, and buy the things we need before she gets here (car seat, double stroller, etc).
What I am Looking Forward to: We get another US at the next appointment this week! I can't wait to see our little lady again, and am particularly interested in her positioning...hoping for head down, and stay there!!
We also have a fun fall filled weekend with family and friends at an apple orchard that I am excited about.

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