Monday, October 12, 2015

32 Week Bumpdate!

We are officially down to the 2 more months to go mark! What...what!?!? 
Nothing like having to take a bump pic in the bathroom b/c the bedroom lighting is terrible and it's so early in the morning that it's still dark outside!

Baby is the Size of: a squash!

Weight Gain: +2.5 over the last 2 weeks, so up 3 total over all.

Workouts: Week 31 I did 4 workouts: upper body weight training session, a 3 mile walk/run, and 2 prenatal yoga sessions.  Week 32 I had an insane amount of Braxton Hicks towards the beginning fo the week and put workouts on hold; I was able to do one short, slow 1 mile walk, and 2 prenatal yoga sessions.

Maternity Clothes: Definitely needed with the exception of tops b/c I have such a short torso...just need bigger sizes : )

Belly Button: It's definitely a flattie...and if this belly keeps getting bigger we will have an outie any day now!

Sleep: Meh, about half the week I get pretty good 8 hours with just the occasional wake up to roll over, or pee once.  And the other half of the week I sleep terribly over the course of the 8 hours or so that I am in bed. Gotta love a wake up at 4 am unable to go back to sleep!

Cravings: Milk...holy moly I have never wanted so much cold, white, cows milk in my life!  So bizarre coming from someone who has NEVER wanted to drink milk...ever! Also craving Indian food with naan and rice, clam chowder (particularly in a bread bowl, thank you San Fran trip!), and chocolate chocolate chocolate!!
Aversions: Most meats and poultry most of the time. Except boneless wings...those are almost always ok : )

What I Missed: Really been craving cold fall beers, particularly a really good pumpkin beer!

Symptoms: My whole body hurts, like a lot!  But mostly my lower back just always feels super stiff and makes walking a lot of fun.  Heartburn is also tons of fun, especially b/c I get it bad after drinking sparkling water and eating tomatoes...2 of my go-tos : ( And pregnancy clumsiness has certainly set in in a major way; dropping things, ALL.THE.TIME!
Movement: This little lady is gonna be a dancing ninja or something b/c she is always moving! Always! And not just little kicks and jerks, but like full body slams, flipping over, arms and legs flailing all about the belly!

Gender: It's a GIRL...Aubrey Lynn!

Best Moment this Week: I have really been enjoying my time with Bella these days, she just gets easier and more predictable as she gets older. And, I am equally been enjoying my time with Jon in the evenings as we throw together a quick dinner, catch up on our shows, or just relax.  I know both of these things are going to be drastically different in just a couple months so I am truly embracing the time now!

Worst Moment this Week: Finding out my chiropractor (and her massage therapist) don't take the insurance that we just switched over now I have to find another good chiro stat!

What I am Looking Forward To: I have a girls weekend coming up in Nashville that I am SO excited about!

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