Tuesday, May 27, 2014

35 Week Bumpdate!

Well hello 35 weeks!  This week was all about catching up with life, getting things ready for little miss Isabella, and feeling accomplished for making it this far without any previa complications!  Since all of that was done successfully, I consider it an amazing week in this pregnant lady's life!  And since I'm all about the "To-Do Lists"...because really, who doesn't love checking stuff off those lists...the board reflects that this week.

Ignore the 2 lotioned leg marks on the bottom of the board...I just got back from a prenatal massage and didn't notice them til after the picture was taken!  Also explains the half drugged, oh so relaxed, but with slicked back, lotioned hair look : )

Baby is the Size of: a Coconut

Weight Gain: +1 this week, so +22 total

Workouts: I think I've burned a bajillion calories this week by the amount of moving I've done.  But in traditional workouts, none...not allowed.

Maternity Clothes: Love pregnancy in the summer!  The above shorts are definitely maternity (b/c I could not get regular shorts over this booty now), but I'm still stretching out squeezing into my regular tanks and dresses.

Belly Button: My belly button is an enigma.  Sometimes its a full on innie, sometimes a flatie, and other times the bottom half fis a latie with mid-innie and top outie.  Weird!

Sleep: Pregnancy insomnia struck multiple times this week. That sucks! That has resulted in being really sleepy...a lot! Oh well, just preparation for what's to come I suppose.
Cravings: Same things from last week- watermelon, fruit in general, macaroni and cheese, and sour lemon strawberry smoothies. I haven't really had much of an appetite this week, so Jon has reminded me on multiple occasions to eat, but I could eat watermelon all day, every day! YUM!

Aversions: I'm at the point where I can pretty much eat anything...but dthat oesn't mean that I've expanded my diet all that much.  Just because it doesn't make me want to barf, doesn't mean that it sounds good!

What I MissedMargarita drink special on our date night Friday. Or a pina colada on this hot day today...how appropriate given Isabella is the size of a coconut!

Symptoms: Overall I'm feeling great.  With all the activity I've done this week though, by the end of the day my body is feeling it.  And when I get out of bed in the middle of the night to pee, I feel like a 600 pound, 95 year old lady with an aching back and stiff leg joints.  Good thing that goes away once I'm out of bed in the morning!

MovementLove, love, love this part of pregnancy. Isabella loves to dance in there!

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!

Best Moment This Week: Getting pretty much everything ready for Isabella to come! The car seat is installed, all of her clothes are washed and hung or put in drawers (and look SOOO cute!), strollers are assembled and we now know how to use them, the mini-nursery is set up in our room (minus the pack-n-play she will sleep in for the first month of two...but that's being delivered tomorrow!), and the house and car have been thoroughly deep cleaned and very organized (including closets that haven't seen the light of day in years!  Oh yeah, it was a very productive (and exhausting!) week!

Worst Moment This Week: Putting our house on the market before getting a few last minute things done that we needed to. That made for some very stressful moments. Like the one where I was trying to paint our kitchen ceiling standing halfway on a ladder, halfway on the counter and barely reaching...oh, and trying to get it done in the hour before the client came!  Lovely.  That ended in Jon saying I was totally not supposed to be doing that, and we hired someone to come this week to finish it up...and do a proper job!

And in second place comes the lady who sold me our Baby Jogger car seat adaptor...without the adaptor brackets.  And now she won't return my emails or texts. Grr...I hate when people are dishonest!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Having a much more relaxing week now that our To-Do list is done!  Can't wait to sit out on our pation enjoy the amazing weather, and catch up on some reading I've been wanting to do for months!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

34 Week Bumpdate!

 Is time just going entirely too fast for everyone else...or is it just me!?!?  As excited as I am to meet Isabella, I mean this whole pregnancy thing is just whizzing by!  In 3 short weeks (THREE!!) we could be having our c-section, although I'm still hoping for 4 more weeks. 

Until then, there is much to be done...so I need to get a move on.  I've actually surprised myself with how opposite my true nature I have been.  Ordinarily I would have a complete nursery set up and everything baby ready by oh, 20 weeks or so.  And here we are just a mere 3 weeks away, and we don't even have a car seat or a place for the baby to sleep!  Hello, 2 of the biggest things that baby can't do without! 
But that is on the agenda for Thursday, so as long as she hangs on tight for the next 2 days, it's all good.  And on that note, I procrastinate no further...here is our 34 week update!

Baby is the Size of: a Butternut Squash!

Weight Gain: Overall up 21 lbs

Workouts: In the traditional sense, none since I'm restricted from all activity essentially.  Outside of that, I'm getting in plenty of walking and bending and cleaning with everything going on around here trying to get our house on the market! Still being reminded by the hubby though to sit and keep my feet up.

Maternity Clothes: Loving the summer weather and my regular comfy shorts with bigger sized tanks, or my regular summer dresses. Who says you need to spend a ton of $ on maternity wear (that is usually pretty ugly!?).

Belly Button: This thing has a mind of its own...sometimes it's what I referred to as a "flatie" last week, and other times depending on how I'm sitting or laying its an outie around the edges. Weird! 

Sleep: Meh...could be better. I'm falling asleep quickly, but waking up with my hips and leg asleep, numb and/or tingling, and then finding it hard to fall back to sleep...particularly if it's 4 am or later.
Cravings: Same things from last week- watermelon, fruit in general, macaroni and cheese, and sour lemon strawberry smoothies

Aversions: Grilled chicken

What I MissedIce cold beer, margaritas on the porch, you name it summer drink, I'm missing it : )

Symptoms: I'm pretty sure baby girl is trying to move down in the pelvis region which is putting TONS of pressure on the placenta, and subsequently my cervix. It feels like there's 1000 lbs down there!  Other than that and low back pain (oh stupid placenta previa being a contraindication to low back chiropractic manipulation!), things going pretty well over here.

MovementShe's still moving a ton, and we are absolutely loving it!

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!

Best Moment This Week: Getting put on modified bed rest which equates to no more work. Oh the time I think I will have to get stuff done!

Worst Moment This Week: Getting put on modified bed rest which equates to no more work (yes, it's ok this is my best and worst moment...it's my blog : ).  I absolutely LOVE my job and what I do.  I can't believe I'm going to be away from it, and my amazing co-workers, for so long! Once Isabella is in my arms, I'm sure I will be more like "Work...what??"

What I'm Looking Forward To: We are putting our house on the market this week.  And while I'm not super excited about all that entails, it will mean a LOT of stuff has gotten done. So I'm looking forward to that being behind us!  AND, it's one step closer to having a much shorter commute to work which is crucial for my sanity!  So all in all, it's a good thing to look forward to.
I can still see the feet, but it's getting harder and harder : )


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

33 Week Bumpdate!

I am probably going to regret having this 33 week picture on the internet, but I just haven't had time to do a chalkboard this week, or get officially dressed today because of 2 doctors appointments and a ton of errands.  So I figured since I don't have an actual "belly" picture up until now, why not!?

How Big is Baby: The size of a durian fruit! Huh!?!?

Weight Gain: My scale says I lost 1.5 lbs this week...so +19 lb total. Not sure about that one. I go to the MD again tomorrow and will see what their scale says.

Workouts: Not allowed anymore : ( I SOOOO miss running!

Maternity Clothes: Maternity jeans and pants are a must. Still sticking to my regular shirts and dresses, and probably stretching them out, but not wanting to spend $$$ on maternity clothes that I won't wear for much longer.

Belly Button: I'm going to call it a "flatie" this week...not an innie, not an outie.  Just flat.

Sleep: Sleeping good this week!  I think I wore myself out over the weekend so the last few nights have been particularly restful, and I didn't even wake up to pee 2 nights ago! Hey hey!!

Cravings: Watermelon, fruit in general, macaroni and cheese, key lime pie (not sweet, extra tart)

Aversions: Grilled chicken

What I MissedMamosas at my baby shower...although in all fairness, I could have had one...my MD said it was fine!  The issue would have been ending at one : )

Symptoms: Pelvic pain and pressure, low back pain, mild cramping off and on

MovementThis little girl loves to move! Full on body rolls makes watching the belly so much fun!

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!

Best Moment This Week: Celebrating Isabella at my shower on Saturday!  I have amazing friends who threw a beautiful shower for me.  I am, we are, truly loved!  We got so much stuff...now just to organize it all!
YAY...my Baby Jogger City Mini GT from my parents, sister and brother in law!  SO exciting!

Super cute banner that we will put right over Isabella's changing table/dresser
This table is deceiving because we got SOOO much stuff!!

Sweet "guest book" that will look precious in a shadow box (sorry for the people who signed on the back!)

Worst Moment This Week: Forgetting to bring my camera to the shower, and having to use my camera phone that was all smudged and produced about 55 pictures that were too blurry to make out : (  The above 3 are about all I have.  Even the food table pictures I took look like the food was moving at 20 mph!

What I'm Looking Forward toI always look forward to having OB appointments, and we have one again tomorrow! Can't wait to hear how Isabella is doing!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

32 Week Bumpdate!

Well hello 32 weeks!  I can't believe we meet already.
8 months down!  And in a normal pregnancy, there would be 2 more to go.  But, why would I do anything "normal!?"  So here we are with 5 more weeks (if my doctor has her vote), or 6 more weeks (if I have mine!) til the C-section and Isabella's debut into this world. 
We couldn't be more excited to meet her, but I am equally as excited to let her stay cooking for as long as she possibly can!  So here's to 32 weeks down, and a hopeful 6
issue-and-bleeding-free more to go! 

How Big is Baby: The size of a squash 

Weight Gain: The scale says I lost 1/2 lb this week, but I thought something funny was up with the scale last week so I'm guessing it wasn't truly a 1.5 lb gain last week. Either way, up 20.5 lbs overall.

Workouts: I'm only cleared to take walks...and not the "get your heart rate up" ones, so that's what I do pretty much every day.  It's not in my nature to sit still for very long!

Maternity Clothes: I'm loving being pregnant as it gets warmer because I can use my regular summer dresses and flowy tops (see tank above)...that are now more fitted : ) I definitely need maternity pants and jeans though.

Belly Button: An innie...barely! Jon loves it for some bizarre reason...I think it's kinda creepy looking!

Sleep: Much better than last week because the coughing is so much better, although pregnancy insomnia is hitting more regularly.  I generally wake up sometime between 2 and 4 am to pee, and am up for an hour or two several times a week.
CravingsPortillos, watermelon, berries, Lara bars, sparkling water

Aversions: Finally, the aversions are becoming less and less...I even ate a grilled turkey burger  and flank steak tacos this week!  Still not excited about meat or other types of animal protein a majority of the time though.

What I MissedReal beer...O'Douls was SO not the same with our Mexican night!

Symptoms: More Braxton hicks, intermittent nausea (still!?), mild pelvic pain this week, and now what I officially call the worst pregnancy symptom ever...peeing just a bit when I sneeze or have a coughing fit!

MovementLess kicks and punches (although they are still there), and more full body rolls which makes for fun belly watching! And her cute little booty keeps rolling up between my ribs (yes, a lovely feeling).

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!

Best Moment This Week: Getting to see our precious little girl on 3D Ultrasound one more time...I mean, really, those lips!

Worst Moment This Week: Working through the weekend...this whole  working 3 out of 4 weekends thing is getting SO old!
What I'm Looking Forward to: My family and friends shower on Saturday! Can't wait to spend time with out of town best friends, and celebrate our little one!! 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Little Lerma 31 week appointment!

It's been 6.5 weeks since our last appointment and we were so excited to be able to see our Little Lerma on ultrasound again today!

I can't believe how much she's grown in such a short amount of time!  It feels like just last week there was a very large, black ultrasound screen with a very small circle indicating our little one.  Now, only her head and torso fit into a screen! 

Pretty little profile
Things with Isabella are looking great.  They estimated that she is approximately 3 lbs 4 oz (but that could be up to 8 oz more than she actually weighs).  Regardless, they measured her head, her belly and her femur and did some fancy calculation that shows for growth she's in the 32nd percentile.  Our little peanut!

It's a good thing that she's on the smaller side though, because my placenta hasn't moved one bit.  It's still sitting right on top of the cervix, which just re-confirms that yes, we will welcome our little lady into this world via c-section.

Other stats from the day:
Isabella's HR: 142
My BP: 98/56

The placenta remaining over the cervix was not surprising at all to me, although our doctor walked into the room with a big frown on her face, and looked much more disappointed than I expected!  Either way, I've come to terms that a c-section it is, and given most of my friends had to have one for one reason or another, I'm totally ok with it. 

BUT-  rather than shooting for 38 weeks, she is now thinking scheduling the C for week 37!  This took me a bit off gaurd b/c I've been aiming to make it to June 17th all along!  Obviously Isabella could make her debut at any time if there are any bleeding complications (which we are obviously hoping and praying doesn't happen!), but I don't want to shave off any more time from this pregnancy than I have to!

So when I asked why we couldn't just schedule it for the 38 week mark, in not as many words my doctor basically responded that we will be doing great if we even make it to 37 weeks...and if we do without complications, we can "dance between scheduling it sometime near 37 and 38."  She doesn't want my cervix to soften, shortern, or dilate at all because once that starts to happen, there is a much higher incidence of worse bleeding. 
Squishy baby face!!
So, I take that all for what it is...I have a goal to make it until June 17th.  However, I am very well aware that anything can happen, and it is completely beyond our control (a HARD lesson for a type A, control freak like myself : )!).  I will just continue to take it easy on my days off...which Jon reminds me daily my definition of "taking it easy" is exactly the opposite. 

So I will work harder at taking it easy on my days off (ironic how that works huh!?).  And, my last day of work will be May 16th because my doctor doesn't want me working at the 34 week mark or beyond.  
Hallelujah, she has Jon's full lips, not my pencil thin ones! 
Since the pregnancy has gone insanely well and has been relatively easy without any complications despite all the things stacked up against us, I'm optimistic about these last 6 or 7 weeks.  And I suppose that's about all we can be. Either way, we are completely blessed to be here, pregnant at this stage, with a healthy little girl.  I look forward to the weeks ahead and what lies in store for our family of soon-to-be 3!

Look at that pouty face as she rubs her eye! Oh she will SO have her daddy wrapped around her little finger in no time!