Sunday, April 18, 2021

Isaiah Jae 34 Months!

 Happy 34 Months Isaiah Jae!


34 Month Highlights:

-You love tagging along with Harmony Homeschool Academy : ) We cannot tell you that you are too young to school!

-We have been doing Pasture Church every other week and this group of kids is just great! 

-Pops was gone for 3 weeks taking care of his Mom, and then his brother, so we had a welcome home party for him when he got back!

-Ohh, so sad when you finish your popsicle before everyone else : )

-We went to Tellus Science Museum for a field trip which was a blast!

-Easter Egg dying! Right before Nuggie dumped the entire container of orange dye all over the table and floor 

We love when April days feel just like summer!

-Chattahoochie Nature Center fun!

Homeschool reading fun!


-You love your new balance bike!

-You love your Daddy!

-Just getting in on the homeschool fun!

-Celebrating Daddy's 40th birthday!

Sleeping: No big changes. Still a great sleeper overall! You are doing awesome at waking up around 7 (6:30? not really sure!) and just playing til we come get you, usually 7:45 during the week, and 8 on weekends. Napping daily, around 1:30 or 2, for anywhere from an hour to 2 or a bit more. 

 Eating: Picky man, but you are doing much better at trying what we put on your plate! Still a master snacker, not so great at eating protein or anything not considered a treat : )

Isaiah Loves:

-Music, singing, dancing
-Blippi, PJ Masks, Paw Patrol
-Cars, trucks, monster trucks, trains, anything with wheels!
-Riding bikes
-Water table
-Being outside
-Doing puzzles
-Still sleeping with his Elephant lovie

Isaiah Hates:

 -not being the boss
-being told no
-not being able to do something sisters are doing

34 Month Stats:

Height: 36.5 in (about 30th percentile)

Weight: 27 lbs (about 8th percentile)

Has all 4 two year molars popped through now. 

Wearing size 6 shoes, size 2T clothes, and size 4 diapers with sleep.  

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