Thursday, March 18, 2021

Isaiah Jae 33 Months

Happy 33 Months Isaiah Jae!

"Smile Isaiah" : )


33 Month Highlights:

-Best part of the month was going on a 10 night trip to the beach! We had SUCH an amazing time! You absolutely loved the beach, the water, the sand, the pool, the tablet time, the family time! It was amazing!!

*You did great in the car both ways! On each trip at one point shortly after watching your tablet you started crying and saying your tummy hurt. I think you were getting car sick, but you never threw up. We gave you kids dramamine and walked around and you were good to go. 

-You love coming outside with Mama to help with the chickens and run around. You also LOVE your monster hat, and ask for it, even when it's not that chilly : )

-Mimi school gang!!

-You love riding your balance bike

-With the bestie, Austin (AKA: Austee!)

-You love joining in on all the HHSA fun : )

-Strong boy!

Sleeping: You really are a great sleeper. Daylight savings has you chilling in bed these days til about 8:30 am or so, but bedtime is still around 7:30. Nap is around 1:30 or 2 pm, and you sleep anywhere from 1.5 to 2.5 hours most days. 

 Eating: You are pretty picky, but what you hate one day, you scarf down another. I can't seem to figure you out. You don't like veggies (unless they come in the form of veggie straws : ) It's a 50/50 toss up whether you like chicken or beef most days. You LOVE snacking! You would snack all day if you could. You've also eaten far more junk food that both girls did combined at 2! Third kid problems!


Isaiah Loves:
-trains, cars, trucks, anything with wheels
-music, singing, dancing
-reading books
-playout side, swinging
-Blippi, PJ Masks, Paw Patrol
-playing with his besties, Austin and EL
-riding balance bike

Isaiah Hates:

 -being told to turn off tablet

33 Month Stats:

Height: 36 in (about 25th percentile)

Weight: 26.5 lb (about 8th percentile)

*2 of his 2 year molars have popped through! Still waiting on the other two! 

*Wearing size 5.5 or 6 shoe, size 2T clothes (with some 18 month things as well), and size 3 diaper at night

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