Thursday, April 18, 2019

Isaiah 10 Months!

Oh how I love this age. Still cuddly and cute baby, but so much more interactive and fun than a baby baby! Isaiah Joy, you are truly our cherry on top!! We are beyond blessed to be your Mama and Daddy!

Happy 10 Months Isaiah Jae!

10 Month Highlights:

-You have "worked out" with Daddy a few times while Mama picks up sisters from school. You love listening to the music and just playing while staring intently at Daddy. 

-You had your 9 month check up with Dr Phillip at the beginning of the month. While you are progressing in your development, you still are on the slow end so he wants us to see a physical therapist so they can help us help you at home. Basically, at the beginning of the month, you are just getting the hang of  sitting alone, but definitely not crawling, or scooting, or pulling to stand. Mama's not worried...Isabella was on the exact same trajectory, and she's doing just fine now!

-We've enjoyed the spring sunshine outside this month when the pollen wasn't crazy high, and it wasn't raining! You are content sitting in your stroller a bit, but really love swinging. 
 Watching Aubrey play soccer : )

 Fun Friday night lettings big girls play and Mama's enjoy the baby (and a glass of wine : )

-Now that Emma Lynn is getting a bit older, you are starting to notice there's another baby around : )

-Sweet, happy baby. You love to be a part of the action, so if Mama is cooking you want to be right there with her. If Daddy is going to take a shower, you want to be right in the bathroom with him!

-Even though you hate being on your tummy, we still make you do it every day. Except most days it likes about 20 second b/c you promptly throw your head to the side to roll yourself right over.  

-You have gotten to be a pro at the whole sitting thing, and enjoy playing on a blanket with toys. Mama doesn't have to pad the area around you with pillows anymore, because even if you throw yourself back, or topple over, you do it with more grace (and less thunking!) than before.

-The Testas came for a visit this month, and Auntie Megan loved you. You were pretty serious at first, just taking all the new people in, but by the end, you would give up the smiles for her!

-You rub your ears and back of your head (just like pops!) when you are tired which is too cute.

-You rode in a cart at the store for the first time, and you weren't all that amused : )

-You are such a content baby if you are fed and not sleepy. You can just sit on the floor and play for awhile during Isabella's piano practice.

-I mean, that face. Seriously!? 

-We went to an Easter Egg hunt and you didn't like sitting in the grass. You also slept through most of it in the Ergo wrap, so there's that : )

-You are rolling so much more now, and it's helped you be a lot more mobile. You are like a roly poly in your crib, and it certainly amuses you!
Sleeping: You still do great in the sleeping department. Bedtime is usually 6ish, although some nights it's as early as 5:30, and some nights as late as 7 depending on your nap schedule that day. You usually sleep until about 6:30 when you eat, and go right back to bed. You will play for a bit, then fall asleep usually until about 8 am.

You take 2 naps a day, usually around 10 am for about an hour and a half, sometimes 2 hours. Then again in the afternoon around 2 or 3, for about an hour. If your morning nap is shortened because we have places to go, you just make up for it in the afternoon (usually!). 

On a very sad note, at about 9.5 months, you started to hate being rocked at all before naps or nighttime. We would sit down in the rocker and you'd just squirm and CRY hard! We'd put you right in bed, you would grab your elephant lovie and paci, smile, and drift off to sleep on your own. Oh my, how mama misses those sweet short moments of snuggles. Thankfully right at the 10 month mark, you started being ok with rocking for a short bit again!

Eating: You are still a pretty picky eater! You love the smoothies daddy makes which is great b/c there are tons of good things packed in there (rice cereal, avacado, berries, spinach). You also love yogurt squeezies, apple sauce, prunes, and cheerios. Other than that, it's hit or miss what you will eat on any given day. We've been doing more baby led weaning this month and letting you feed yourself which means you shovel in the cheerios, but most other foods just get squashed on the tray or thrown on the floor.

As for breastfeeding, you still get 4-5 feeds a day (most days it's still 5). That being said, Mama can tell the amount you get for the 3 middle of the day feeds are definitely not as substantial as what they used to be.  You take about 10 minutes in the morning, and 5 for afternoon feeds. Bedtime feed is somewhere between the two. You take both sides with each feed, although the morning feed since Mama is still so full, you take one side and then just a few drinks of the second side. 

Isaiah Loves:
-Musical toys
-Elephant paci and lovee in his crib
-Blocks, ring stacking toys
-Jumperoo, although we've used it a lot less this month to help your physical development
-Catepillar and octopus toy
-Giving open mouth kisses : )
-Swinging at the park/playground

Isaiah Hates:
-shoes on his feet!
-prolonged tummy time

10 Month Stats:
-Height: 26 3/4 in (about 2nd percentile)

Weight: 15 lb 12 oz (< 2nd percentile)

-Wearing 6 and 6-9 month things. Wearing size 2 diapers. 

-No teeth yet!

Isaiah's Firsts this Month:
 -Sitting very steady, not needed any supports nearby - 40 weeks
-Clapping (it's not that coordinated yet, but you really love doing it!)- 41 weeks
-Rolling onto belly when in bed, and getting yourself back - 41 weeks

This Month in Pictures:

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