Monday, May 21, 2018

32 Week Bumpdate

The countdown is on! Less than 8 weeks til little man gets here and while I still would love to have a VBAC, I'm not counting on going into labor before the scheduled C-section (just 2 days shy of my due date), so we shall see!

Baby is the Size of: a Jicama

Weight Gain: +4 in the last 4 weeks, so +17 overall.

Workouts: Still just using gardening, house and yard work, chasing my girls around, and the bazillion flights of stairs I climb at work as my workouts. Not enough time during the day.

Maternity Clothes: Definitely need them. Loving that I can wear scrubs to work.

Belly Button: It's out enough to see through fitted shirts.

Sleep: Still sleeping pretty good, usually going to sleep around 9:30, waking up at 5:30 on work days and anywhere between 6 and 7am on non-work days.

Cravings: Indian food, caprese sandwiches, pizza, ice cold sparkling drinks, mint lime water, ice cream, sour gummy candies.

Aversions: Nothing I can't eat.

What I Missed: I've really been missing running lately and training for something!

Symptoms: Still using the heating pad at night and in the morning for my crazy low back pain that causes me to waddle and limp like a crazy lady. Otherwise some mild nausea here and there. Mild reflux every great once in awhile. And just more exhausted after a busy day than normal.

Movement: Loving seeing his body rolls on my belly! He doesn't seem to be as active as Aubrey was and her personality outside the uterus proved to be pretty similar as in, so perhaps this little guy will be more laid back!?!? Is that just wishful thinking!?

Gender: It's a BOY!

He is looking great! We had another high risk appointment at 30 weeks 5 days with an US. Unfortunately he kept hiding his face so not many cute pictures. HR in the 140s. Still measuring about 9 days behind, but weighs approximately 2 lbs so the MD isn't concerned.

This one creeps me out a little bit b/c it looks like a real life ghost baby...half his face and eye peeping out!

Best Moment this Week: I had a sprinkle thrown by my bestie and another friend which was so much fun. Very low key, filled with laughter and great food!

Worst Moment this Week: Back pain! Serious ouch!

What I am Looking Forward to: More summer time fun with the girls before Baby Boy gets here and changes our lives completely (for the good, but a chance none the less!)

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