Sunday, May 6, 2018

30 Week Bumpdate

Hello 30 weeks. I am so thrilled to be here, and so thrilled we are less than 10 weeks away from Little Lerma #3!

How Big is Baby: The size of a large cabbage

Weight Gain:  Don't know, didn't weigh this week, but feels like 1000 lbs, so there's that!

Workouts: Nothing formal because life has been so hectic and crazy. Getting in tons of gardening, weeding, chasing around the girls, walks on the beach x2, and just general moving and cleaning to count for calories burned.

Maternity Clothes: Yup, wearing them! But loving that I have a short torso that allows me to still use some t-shirts and tanks that were longer to begin with.

Belly Button: You can definitely see it through fitted shirts now! Top part more than the bottom, but when I push my stomach out, the whole thing pops out!

Sleep: Sleeping pretty good and feeling pretty rested during the day. Usually going to sleep around 9:30, waking up at 5:30 on work days and anywhere between 6 and 7am on non-work days. I've even managed to make it through nights without waking to pee!

Cravings: Aside from cold, sparkling beverages (many of which I can't have...cold beer, sparkling wine, etc) nothing crazy. Still really wanting Indian food, but mostly because we haven't eaten any if what feels like years!

Aversions: Nothing I can't eat.

What I Missed: Drinking ice cold beer while on the beach last weekend! Wine with some of our nice dinners out.

Symptoms: Low back pain, OH the low back pain! The heating pad has seriously been my best friend every single morning and night while I'm in bed. Otherwise occasional nausea still kicks in and I've had to take ginger off and on for the last couple of weeks. Feeling exhausted by the evening, but mostly because we've just been so busy lately. Got to take several vacation naps over the weekend though which was awesome!

Movement: He is definitely moving in there, mostly noticed at night when I lay down. Otherwise there are times during the day when I'm so busy I don't notice much.

Gender: It's a BOY!

Best Moment this Week: Going on our Babymoon #3 to Charleston, SC. So much fun, so relaxing, and filled with amazing food!

Worst Moment this Week: I started to have tons of nightmares about kids/family dying, so that as awful!

What I am Looking Forward to: Getting my body back. Not having terrible pain every time I walk after sitting or laying down for more than 1 minute!

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