Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Aubrey 30 Months!

How on earth is this little lady 2.5 years old already!? Time has seriously flown by with her! She is talking up a storm, saying extra long sentences and even telling stories and there isn't a day that goes by that she doesn't amaze us or make us laugh...or both!  Aubs, we love you to the moon and back!

Happy 30 Months Aubrey Lynn!

30 Month Highlights:
-We definitely enjoyed the summer like weather this month and are grateful for May in GA! We played in the sprinklers, played with water balloons on multiple occasions, went to several parks, and ate lots of fruit or greek yogurt Popsicles on our back porch!

-We also took advantage of the pool opening up in Tia's neighborhood towards the second half of the month. You LOVE that there is the shallow part with sprinklers, and love playing "pop it" with the pool balls. 

-You love helping Mama garden and are actually a good helper! You don't however, love, getting dirt on your hands. So it was plant a seed and get dirty, then go wash your hands in the water bucket. Every single time!

-You are a little monkey and we always find you wrapping your arms and legs around our arms and legs. You love doing this around daddy's leg and have him walk you around the house!

-We got 3 new chickens to finish out the 10 or 11 that we were wanting. You love the chickens and chase them all around. We found out one was a rooster several weeks after we got him (bummer!) but any time I go to the coop you always want to come with me!

-You had your first dentist appointment and did fantastic! I'm not sure if it's because Bella was getting the same thing done on the chair next to you, or if you would have just rocked it regardless, but you were super chill, cooperative, and made their job so easy. Also they said your teeth looked fantastic so that was great! Your high light was getting a balloon, a goody bag with a new toothbrush and tooth paste, AND then getting to pick out a toy before we left. 

-We had a big cucumber come in pretty early which was awesome, and we made a big deal about picking the "first fruits!" of our labor with the Lefler girls! It was no surprise Isabella was super excited to eat the cucumber, but I thought for sure you'd take one bite and not eat it again. Surprisingly, you ate 1/4 of the big thing (granted, there was ranch to dip it in, but still!) You kept saying "Mmmm, I love cucumber mama!"

-Mama and Daddy went on their Babymoon #3 while Mimi and Pops watched you girls. We were gone for 4 nights and you both did fantastic and had a blast. Mimi had fun taking pics (I think she was re-living when mama and tia were little!)

-We also did swim lessons this month, every saturday for 30 minutes. I can't say you loved them, but you did great. It probably didn't help that every time the teacher wanted us to dive you head first into the water and then scoop you up 2-3 times. You hated that part. I don't blame you. I'm not even sure this is the best way to teach you that! 

-Isabella had her last day of school mid-month and you were glad! You hated dropping her off in the mornings, and I'm not sure if it was more because you wanted to be at school with her (which you did), or because you just missed her while she was gone (which you also did!). I can't believe how fast this school year went, and while I know you so badly wanted to go to school, I'm so grateful for the time I got alone with you for several hours twice a week!

Sleeping: In preparation for the new baby coming soon, we changed your room and you love it! You now have a king sized bed (yes, king sized...because we couldn't think of another place to store the giant mattress and box springs since we will no longer have a guest bedroom!). I also re-painted an old dresser and night stand white, with your request of "teal blue" drawers. I have to say, they turned out awesome! 

Bedtime is around 7pm, meaning that's when we go up. We usually leave your and Bella's bedroom around 7:45 or 8 (depending on when we actually got up there, it's usually a 45 min process). You then play in bed most nights until around 9, and sleep til 7 or so.

You are napping better this month and not missing as many naps, but probably b/c Mimi and Mama have to go back in your room 30 min after we initially leave and make you close your eyes and lay still, so you will fall asleep. Otherwise you keep yourself awake by playing and then are miserable at 4:45 or 5pm. Not fun! You have been napping about 2 hours, from 1:30 til 3:30, or 2 til 4 ish. 

Eating: You eat an insane amount. About 45 times a day you say "I'm hungies" and you legit eat every single time! You love cereal or oatmeal in the morning, followed by eggies/bacon/toast second breakfast. Lunch is usually left overs, or ham and cheese and toast (all deconstructed b/c you never want the sandwich whole). Dinners thankfully you will eat whatever Mama makes for dinner including Indian food, salmon, rice, any vegetable that isn't green, and you love meat (pork chops, pulled pork, chicken, steak, beef, you name it, you wolf it down!). For snacks or sides you like greek yogurt, pretzels with hummus, goldfish, apples, frozen bananas, strawberries, grapes, cheese, avacado, quinoa rice, and mimi's black beans.

Aubrey Loves:
-Playing outside, running around

-Going to the pool
-Coloring and painting
-Playing with the doll house
-Dress up
-Reading books
-Music, singing and dancing
-PJ Masks, Doc McStuffins

Aubrey Hates:

-Being told no when she really wants to do something
-Not being able to do something independently

30 Month Stats:
Height: 35 in (25th percentile)
Weight: 25.5 lbs (12th percentile)

Wearing 2T clothes, 2T panties and mostly size 5 shoes (although some 4's and 6's are fitting depending on the brand)

Monday, May 21, 2018

32 Week Bumpdate

The countdown is on! Less than 8 weeks til little man gets here and while I still would love to have a VBAC, I'm not counting on going into labor before the scheduled C-section (just 2 days shy of my due date), so we shall see!

Baby is the Size of: a Jicama

Weight Gain: +4 in the last 4 weeks, so +17 overall.

Workouts: Still just using gardening, house and yard work, chasing my girls around, and the bazillion flights of stairs I climb at work as my workouts. Not enough time during the day.

Maternity Clothes: Definitely need them. Loving that I can wear scrubs to work.

Belly Button: It's out enough to see through fitted shirts.

Sleep: Still sleeping pretty good, usually going to sleep around 9:30, waking up at 5:30 on work days and anywhere between 6 and 7am on non-work days.

Cravings: Indian food, caprese sandwiches, pizza, ice cold sparkling drinks, mint lime water, ice cream, sour gummy candies.

Aversions: Nothing I can't eat.

What I Missed: I've really been missing running lately and training for something!

Symptoms: Still using the heating pad at night and in the morning for my crazy low back pain that causes me to waddle and limp like a crazy lady. Otherwise some mild nausea here and there. Mild reflux every great once in awhile. And just more exhausted after a busy day than normal.

Movement: Loving seeing his body rolls on my belly! He doesn't seem to be as active as Aubrey was and her personality outside the uterus proved to be pretty similar as in, so perhaps this little guy will be more laid back!?!? Is that just wishful thinking!?

Gender: It's a BOY!

He is looking great! We had another high risk appointment at 30 weeks 5 days with an US. Unfortunately he kept hiding his face so not many cute pictures. HR in the 140s. Still measuring about 9 days behind, but weighs approximately 2 lbs so the MD isn't concerned.

This one creeps me out a little bit b/c it looks like a real life ghost baby...half his face and eye peeping out!

Best Moment this Week: I had a sprinkle thrown by my bestie and another friend which was so much fun. Very low key, filled with laughter and great food!

Worst Moment this Week: Back pain! Serious ouch!

What I am Looking Forward to: More summer time fun with the girls before Baby Boy gets here and changes our lives completely (for the good, but a chance none the less!)