Monday, February 26, 2018

20 Week Bumpdate!

We are officially past the halfway mark, and I can confidently say past it because my scheduled c-section will likely be near 39 weeks. Either way, I'm grateful to be here and feeling great! Loving this part of pregnancy!

How Big is Baby: The size of a banana, approximately 10 inches long, and 10 oz!

Weight Gain: +3.5 lbs in the last 2 weeks, thank you vacation over-eating! Puts me at +6 lbs overall.

Workouts: Week 18 I didn't get a single work out in other than a bunch of walking and stair climbing at work, because we were just crazy busy. Week 19 I got a nasty cold that knocked me out for several days, so I just got in a 3 mile walk/run and a 40 minute kayaking session while on vacation. 

Maternity Clothes: Loving my maternity stretch jeans and otherwise regular clothes.

Belly Button: Innie

Sleep: Overall sleeping well, and usually getting about 8 hours a night. Not quite as exhausted as I was several weeks ago, but bedtime is still around 9 or 9:30 most nights. 

Cravings: Aside from eating anything and everything unhealthy while on vacation, not having strong cravings. Although I really have been wanting some good Indian food, but that's probably because it's been almost a year since we've had any! Still on the search for a place near our new home town!

Aversions: Some things don't sound great at times, mostly meat and chicken, but I eat them if they are being served and it's fine. Nothing that I totally can't be around. 

What I Missed: Margaritas on the beach, white wine on the balcony in the evenings on vacation, and an ice cold beer after kayaking!

Symptoms: Occasional bouts of nausea that aren't that bad, and usually don't last long. Definitely more tired than non-pregnant self, but getting my energy back. Really sore boobs. Insanely dry eyes where I can't wear my contacts at night anymore, and have to wear glasses during the day once or twice a week. 

Movement: Definitely feeling it more and more which is amazing! He's definitely not as active as Aubrey was, so perhaps that's a sign he will be a bit more chill than her!? Or is that just wishful thinking!? Also, both girls were most active at night when I laid in bed, but this one is so super chill then. He's most active in the morning, or mid-day. 

Gender: BOY!

Best Moment this Week: Being on vacation with the family

Worst Moment this Week: All of us being sick on vacation. BIG bummer!

What I am Looking Forward to: We get our 20 week anatomy scan this week which I'm really looking forward to, and have another high risk appointment at the end of next week which usually involves another US. Love seeing this little guy!

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