Monday, February 12, 2018

18 Week Bumpdate!

Hello 18 weeks! This is the FUN part of pregnancy that I just absolutely love! I can't wait for the belly to keep on growing!  But I'm absolutely loving that the most horrible parts of first trimester are behind me, and the awesome, now looking pregnant and feeling the baby move consistently part is here!

How Big is Baby: The size of a bell pepper

Weight Gain: +0 in the last 2 weeks, so +2.5 lbs total. 

Workouts: Week 16 I did a 25 min HIIT spin "class" in our home gym (thank you youtube for making me feel like I was really in that class!) followed by 20 min leg workout (followed by difficulties in walking the next day!). I also did 2 Prenatal HIIT workouts via Nancy Taylor (again, YouTube) who I am loving more and more. 
Week 17 I went RUNNING! Yay, and oh it felt SO good! I went 2.5 miles, and it took almost 13 minutes a mile with having to push the stroller and walk up the steep inclines, but wow, how I've missed it! I also did a 50 minute spin class, and then on the 3rd day that I planned on working out I hard core cleaned the house instead. No regrets there.

Maternity Clothes: Sticking to my normal scrubs at work, regular clothes, and the addition of the most amazing stretchy maternity skinny jeans ever (that I talked about last bumpdate). 

Belly Button: Innie

Sleep: Mostly good in the sleep department, with the exception of needing to pee about 12 times right before I fall asleep. Usually falling asleep sometime between 8:45 and 9 most nights, with a couple nights not til 9:30. Waking up sometime between 6 and 8 on days I have to work! So yeah, getting lots of sleep! 

Cravings: Ugh, this pregnancy I am just craving all things not healthy: bagels with cream cheese, ginormous pickles, puffy cheetoes, cereal with milk, pizza, creamy soup with crusty bread, and charcuterie. And then there are the random days where I'm like "Ohh, I could really go for some fish sticks!" (where on earth does that one even come from!?!). 

Aversions: Chicken still makes me gag when I think about it, but I can still eat it as long as it's not just like a big hunk of chicken breast on my plate. Or I eat around it : )

What I Missed: Ice cold beer. This has been a very consistent one. 

Symptoms: Still having some mild intermittent nausea, but nothing to really complain about. Periods of dizziness. 

Movement: YES!!!! Little Lerma's little flutters are now like full on pops and are much more consistent! And the best part - at 17 weeks, Jon could even feel them! AHHHHMAZING!

Gender: BOY!!!

Best Moment this Week: Feeling baby boy move more and more, and letting Jon feel it as well. Also getting an impromptu US at work to see the little man! 

Worst Moment this Week: Feeling so forgetful. Like if it's not written down and I haven't set an alarm for it on my phone, I will forget! This isn't anything new this week, but just getting frustrating!

What I am Looking Forward to: Our family vacation to Florida over break! Also our anatomy scan in a couple weeks! Love that one!

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