Monday, January 15, 2018

14 Week Bumpdate!

Welcome Trimester 2! I've been looking forward to getting reacquainted! This is where the fun begins. And hopefully where the all day nausea ends! Bring on a bigger baby bump, more energy, less gagging, and getting to share the wonderful news!

Just for comparisons sake, 14 weeks with Aubrey on left, 15 weeks with Bella on right.

How Big is Baby: The size of a lemon

Weight Gain: +0 over the last two weeks, so +1.5 overall. I'm grateful for this given I started out 16 lbs above my ideal weight, and really am wanting to only gain what is necessary for the baby to grow and be healthy.

Workouts: Week 12-13 I did a whole lotta nothing in the workout department. I was just still so exhausted and nauseous all the time. Week 13 I made a decision to make working out a priority, even though it meant some other house things wouldn't get done. I was able to do an hour long prenatal yoga (which felt SO good!), a prenatal bootcamp/pilates combo, and a full body weights session that caused walking and sitting to be extremely painful for the next 2 days! Ouch!  Glad to be getting back into it though.

Maternity Clothes: Loving my leggings and sweatshirts or sweaters which are both comfy and oh so warm! And absolutely love wearing scrubs to work because it's been so easy to hide as the bump has started to protrude lately!

Belly Button: Innie

Sleep: The absolute exhaustion is letting up some, but some days it's still crazy how tired I am come 2 or 3pm.  Like I can't even keep my eyes open. I'm still falling asleep around 9 or 9:30 most nights, and there's the occasional night where it's 8:45 and I'm out! My body is loving getting about 9 hours a sleep per night which is much more than usual, but definitely needed!

Cravings: Not necessarily craving anything specific, and am grateful I can eat pretty much anything. I did see a huge jar of pickles the other day though and wanted to not only eat 4 of them, but drink the juice straight from the jar. So I guess there's a salt craving for ya!  I'm enjoying a fig bar before I get out of bed in the morning, kashi granola bars as a snack, and a bunch of random things in between. A bagel with a ton of cream cheese always sounds amazing, but I've only indulged in that twice (thank you free bagel day at work!). Trying to eat what I can keep down, but keep it healthy as well! 

Aversions: Chicken, fish, beef, and hard boiled eggs never sound great, but I usually can manage to eat them. 

What I Missed: Still wanting ice cold beer or really cold, bubbly champaign which is weird, b/c we don't really drink that!

Symptoms: All day nausea and gagging. The nausea is usually pretty bad in the morning, gets better during the day unless I haven't eating in awhile, and then comes back pretty bad right before bedtime. Also still SO tired, especially during the afternoon, and around 8pm! 

Movement: Feeling the occasional bubbles popping kind of movement. Nothing substantial yet!

Gender: It's a BOY!

Best Moment this Week: 
-Getting back into a routine that involves working out. 
-Getting to take Isabella to my MFM appointment where she got to see baby brother on US.  She LOVED it!!! She kept saying "Ohhhh, he's so cute! Look mama, he's wiggling and dancing!" 
-Oh, and I also got to tell my boss and some co-workers that I am pregnant, so that was super fun!

Worst Moment this Week: Dry heaving into a meat bag at Costco when a terrible wave of nausea took me off guard. 

What I am Looking Forward to: Nausea be gone! Feeling baby move more. The bump growing!

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