Monday, January 8, 2018

13 Week US

I was referred to a high risk specialist this time around (thank you clotting disorders and now being "Advanced Maternal Age!"). Can we just say I can't believe in this day and age, being 35 makes you an old lady having a baby! So many people don't even start their families til then. But I digress.

My first appointment was exactly at 13 weeks, and it was a fun one because we got a fairly lengthy US, and I got to take Isabella with me. She was super excited about her Mama date, and while she didn't really understand how she was going to get to see baby brother, she was looking forward to it!

He is looking good, measuring right on track, with a HR of 164. Nuchal translucency was normal. And he was definitely a mover and shaker in there. But he'd have his moments where he'd prop his arm behind his head, and cross his legs like he was straight chillin'. Gee, wonder where he gets that from!? (Ahem, Daddy!). 

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