Monday, March 6, 2017

Aubrey 15 Months!

It officially feels like there is nothing "Baby" about you anymore, as we finally ended breastfeeding this month.   And while there was a teeny tiny (oh so tiny!) part of me that was sad about it, I pretty much did a happy jig the day we decided to give it a go!  And here we are, with you now feeling and looking and acting older than ever.  But I love watching you grow, and change, and morph into this insanely happy, strong willed (yes, the Angry Elf is still there for sure!), fun little lady. 

So Happy 15 Months Aubrey Lynn!

15 Month Highlights:
 -This month we had absolutely gorgeous weather, and despite it being "winter" and February, it felt more like spring, and sometimes early summer days! We went to parks quite a bit, and just played outside around the house to take advantage of it. You are in your happy place being able to run free!

-You are seriously one of the happiest little kids I've ever seen! You are always smiling and giggling, and that is so infectious! My favorite is when you know you are being cute, you smile even bigger and cock your head to the side, all the while I hear you saying "What, little 'ole me!?" in my head : )

-You are also really goofy and love to make us laugh. If you start something and one of us laughs a little bit, you will do it bigger and better to get us really going!  
This goes for saying silly things ("ducka-ducka-ducka" really fast!), putting things on your head and running around, or head banging and singing at dinnertime!

-I mean seriously, this girl is so happy and smiley!  I wish I could bottle her up and keep her this way for a long, long time!

Sleeping: We are getting back on course here, hallelujah.  Bedtime is 7pm, and you sleep til about 3, 4 or 5 when you want to eat, and go back down til about 7am. There have been plenty of days where you want to stay up after you eat, to which we say "No thank you" and put you back in your crib to play. Or sometimes fuss. Either way, you get the memo eventually and fall back asleep.  

Naps have gotten a little more consistent for Mama, but you are all over the place when Mimi has you 2 days a week.  For Mama, you sleep for about 1.5 hours in the morning starting at 10 am, and then go back down in the afternoon for about an hour, usually around 3 or 3:30.   

***As a side note, putting you to bed now is one of my most favorite things in the entire world! When you are tired and I ask "Are you ready for night nights?" you run over to me smiling, and then wave to anyone in the room while saying "byyyyyyye". We go upstairs, and I love rocking and singing to you a few songs b/c most nights you sing along with me ("Ahhhhhhhh" in different tones) which is just too cute.  Other nights you like to play, and while I sing you will pat my cheeks and give me about 1000 kisses.  I just love how affectionate and cuddly you are at bedtime, b/c pretty much every other time during the day I can't keep up with you!

Breastfeeding/Eating: We made the decision to cut out the last breastfeeding session this month, just towards the tail end, partly because Daddy and Mama will be taking a vacation at the beginning of April and we wanted to give you plenty of time to adjust, and partly because it just felt like a natural time to do it, given there were a few mornings Mama had to wake you up to eat before leaving for work.  So even though it's only been about 10 days or so, you've finally started getting the hang of Daddy coming in your room with a sippy cup of milk when you wake up around 5 or 6 am, rather than getting Mama. There were a few rough mornings at the beginning, but it's gotten much easier now.

Favorite foods this month:  Black beans (you can seriously eat your weight in them!), avacado, greek yogurt, oatmeal for breakfast (that we are still using frozen breastmilk in...mama had a crazy supply this time around!), Squeezies, cheese, any and all fruit, rotisserie chicken, & green smoothies.

Aubrey Loves:
-Being outside (you will run to the front door almost daily and bang until we get the hint that you want to be outside!)
-Listening to music and singing (Twinkle Twinkle and Jingle Bells are still your jam!)
-Playing at the park, and yes, you try to do EVERYTHING Bella does!
-Throwing balls
-Reading books (you love all Llama Llama books right now)

  Aubrey Hates:
 -Things on your head (I can't get you to wear a bow or hat to save my life!)

15 Month Stats:
-Height: 30 in (approx 35th percentile)

-Weight: 18 lbs 4 oz (approx 5th percentile)

*Teeth:4 molars, (one on each side and one on top and bottom), 4 top and 3 bottom = 11 total!
*Wearing mostly 12 month clothes, although still in some 9 month things, and size 3 diapers.

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