Monday, February 13, 2017

Isabella 32 Months!

Wow, what a little lady you are becoming! I remember over the summer when we went to the pool and your friend Maggie was there. She is 9 months older than you and I remember thinking, "Wow, she is 32 months and she seems SO old!" Well, here we are- you are now 32 months! And you seem SO old to Mama. I can't believe how fast time flies.  

Isabella Rae, you are a true joy, a blessing, and a literal dream come true. I know I probably don't say it enough.  I probably get caught up in the day to day things. The tantrums. The arguing. The emotions. Oh, the emotions! And yet, I always go back to the time when we didn't have you. And our hearts ached for you.  And now, here you are, closer to 3 years old than 2, and I couldn't be more proud of the little person that you are becoming!  You are sweet, soft hearted, funny, rambunctious, affectionate, and feisty which against Mama can be frustrating, but I will be oh so grateful for once 16 year old boys start coming around! 

We love you to the moon and back. And we love hearing you say that to us even more! 

Happy 32 Months Isabella Rae!!
Your newfound infatuation with all things ballerina...fitting you would insist on wearing it for this month's chair pic!

32 Month Highlights:
 -I feel like this month was all about you transitioning to Mama working or us going to parks. That's pretty much what we did all month. The transitioning things was a little rough at first, and you still have your moments.  It breaks and melts my heart all at once when I come home and you say "Mama, I missed you!" or "Ohh, Mama, yay, you DID come back!" But being back at work makes me a much better Mama. Trust me on that one! 

The one day where it was like 35 degrees but you REALLY wanted to go play outside. In your piggy jammies. And rainboots. And kitty hat. And purple socks on your hands. Also, that is totally not your winter jacket. What were we thinking!

OK this was a hard one for me to post b/c I look exhausted and high. The first is definitely true. The second is not. But she was SO happy going down all the big slides, all by herself, and then sweetly asked at the very end "Mama, can I sit on your lap and we go down fast together?" Melt my heart. Yes my dear we can do that!
-You adore Bible Class on Sundays.  I drop you off at the sign in table, and you walk back to class with one of the pre-teens with your Strawberry Shortcake back pack on, like such a big girl. I feel like I should be dropping you off at the nursery still, but those times are definitely in the past!  Oh, and you are a rock star at your monthly memory verse which just blows me away b/c I am not great at that. Still!  Not only do you know the entire verse, but you rock the book, chapter and verse #! Go girl! 

-We did a family 5K called the Sweetheart Race and it was so much fun! Mimi pushed Dani and ran/walked. Tia and Uncle G ran fast. And Daddy, Mama, Aubrey and Bella had a blast running together.  It started at Suwanee Town Center and went through the Greenway and back.  There was a lot of hot chocolate and cookies at the finish line, but you loved the granola bar

-We went to visit our new house because a bulk of the framing was done. We had a blast looking through the house, and you got so excited saying "Yay, this is my new house!"  We went through each room and wrote scriptures or sayings on the walls, and you just thought it was the coolest thing ever that you got to use sharpie markers AND write on walls. It was a great memory that we made and will be on the foundation of our house forever!

-Lastly, you have taken up a hobby with Mama this month, and it is just too much fun.  The hobby: "Working out." Man do you get SO excited when I ask if you want to work out with me in the mornings, after Aubrey goes down for her nap.  We have done Insanity, Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, a bunch of yoga with Adrienne, and a few weight training sessions and you just love them all.  The other day we were outside for some lower body weights and hill sprints, and after about the 20th squat, you said "Oh wow, Mama, my legs are hurting!" I looked over and your little body was shaking as you held that squat. Yes, little lady, my legs are hurting too!  I love working out, but more, I have come to work out with YOU! I look forward to the ways we can do this even more as you get older!

Sleeping: You have gotten your mojo back this month. Bedtime is 7:30 or 8 depending on how long it takes us to actually tuck you in.  You don't usually fall asleep til 8:30 or sometimes 9, and you wake up around 7:15 or so.  The lovely part is we don't come get you til 8, and you just play in bed quietly or read by your night lights. It's so sweet to come in the morning and you say "Hi Mama, I'm just reading books!"  You also still nap from 1 until 3 or 4 which is great!

Eating Favorites This Month:
-Turkey & cheese sandwiches
-Gouda Cheese
 -Squeezies ("FEE-gah-wees")
-"Runny eggs" and toast
-Fig bars
-Greek yogurt with jelly
-Oatmeal with berries pretty much every morning
-"Garden" cherry tomatoes

Isabella Loves:
-Singing and dancing

-Angelina Ballerina (the show, and pretending to be her!)
-"Big" parks (slides, not swings!)
-"Do it myself" - our theme this month!
-Running outside, being outside in general
-Sticker books
-"Writing" with a pen and paper
-Tea set and drinking "strawberry tea" (pretend)

Isabella Hates:
-Having help
-Not being able to do things independently
-Her personal space invaded (here's looking at you Dani Leigh Leigh!)
32 Month Stats:
*unless my measurements are way off, she grew 2 in and gained 2 lbs this month!*
Height: 38.5 in (90th percentile)

Weight: 31lbs 8 oz (75th percentile)

2 New Teeth! Your top 2 molars popped through, so now we are just waiting on the last 2 teeth (the bottom two "2 year" molars!). I must say, while you mentioned a few times this month your teeth were hurting, you take teething like a CHAMPION. A serious, amazing champion! I am so proud of you (and thank you!)
*Wearing 2T and a few 3T things.

*Still not even attempting potty training overnight (not b/c I don't think you could do it, but bc Mama is just not ready!)

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