Wednesday, September 30, 2015

30 Week Bumpdate!

And here we are 75% complete! Whoa mama! On one hand, 10 weeks seems like an insanely short time with so much to get done before Aubrey gets here. On the other hand, really...10 MORE weeks!?  I can't imagine getting any bigger than I already am!  Either way, I am so grateful to be here, at this point, now! 

Oh boy, definitely slackin' with the board this week! Couldn't even wait til it dried completely, and had nothing creative to say : (  
How Big is Baby: The size of a cucumber 

Weight Gain: -0.5 over the last 2 weeks, so +0.5 total. I am guessing this is just a result of post-vacation eating and workouts being more effective at the weight control than eating out most meals of the day on vaca. Regardless, I am still 13 lbs heavier now than I was at this point during the first pregnancy...and I definitely feel all 13 of those lbs!

Workouts: Week 28 I was able to do 5 workouts- 2 prenatal ballet tone (hello, crazy hard toning class!), one yoga session, one 30 minute walk (didn't track how far we got), and one 2.5 mile walk/run (we run 0.1 mi, then walk 0.1 mi, the effect of what feels like a bajillion times!). 

Week 29 I did 4 workouts- 1 full body weight session, 3 mile walk/run (again 0.1 mi walk/0.1 mi run/repeat), and 2 yoga sessions. I am seriously LOVING yoga right helps so much to quiet my mind and soothe my lower back aches! 

Maternity Clothes: Yes

Belly Button: It's pretty much flat at this point. 

Sleep: Some nights I sleep like a rock for 8 hours, some nights I sleep like, well something that doesn't sleep much over the course of those 8 hours.  Either way, I am consistently trying to get 8 hours a night. On the nights I do wake up it's usually because I need to roll over from hips that fell asleep, or pee (usually only once a night at this point though). And some nights once I'm up, I just can't seem to fall back asleep (bizarrely enough it's almost always around 3 am!). 

Cravings: Ugh, this pregnancy I am craving zero healthy foods and just want junk...all the time. Mac n cheese, buffalo wings, pizza, Indian food, and sweets (particularly ice cream)! I hate that! While I am working out this pregnancy and couldn't last time, I certainly ate much healthier last time around! Either way, the biggest craving I have is for MILK! Like everyday, I want a big glass of 2% milk, which is so weird b/c I don't drink milk otherwise! And all things pumpkin (which is also weird b/c I was SO averse to it when pregnant with Isabella). 

Aversions: Ground beef/turkey, grilled chicken, sometimes fish, sometimes not. 

What I Missed: Ice cold pumpkin beer while watching Sunday football! 

Symptoms: Oh man, this pregnancy is so much harder on my body than last time, and I think a lot of that is b/c I started out heavier, and am chasing around a toddler who still isn't walking...and wants to be carried everywhere. My body is just stiff and sore all over, particularly my low back and pelvis. The heartburn has gotten a lot better over the last 2 weeks and is just there occasionally (mostly after eating tomatoes).  Getting more and more Braxton Hicks, but nothing painful or even slightly uncomfortable. 

Movement: Oh this little lady LOVES to move all around! Tons of kicks, punches, and full body rolls which are so fun to watch on the belly! I can now grab her little foot (and so did the MD at our last appt) when she pokes it up right beneath my weird but so cool! I have a feeling this little lady will be much more active, and less chill, than her big sister!

Gender: It's a GIRL!

Best Moment this Week: We got started on the nurseries.  Yes, plural...nurseries x2!  Since Bella was born in Chicago and we moved shortly after she was born, and have been in 2 houses in the last year, she hasn't had a full out decorated nursery. And up until this past week, Aubrey's room was just a catch all for junk. So both rooms have been cleaned out, organized, painted, and are just waiting for decorations to go up once the paint is dry!  I can't wait to see both finished products!! Thank you Mom and Uncle G for painting the rooms...they look great!

Worst Moment this Week: Just feeling really exhausted and run down. By the time I put Bella down for bedtime, I am spent!

What I am Looking Forward to: We get an US at the next doctor appt b/c I was measuring large at the last one (ironically, I was 28 weeks and 4 days, measuring at 29 I guess 3 days ahead is enough to get another US). Either way I won't complain b/c I love seeing Aubrey grow, and am curious as to how much she is weighing in at this point!

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