Sunday, September 13, 2015

28 Week Bumpdate!

Well hello 3rd trimester. So lovely to see you again!  I'm not entirely sure how we got here so quickly, but here we are! 
27 Weeks in Pacific Grove, CA
Bear Down!! First game of the season!

We might as well start with the good Little Lerma #2 finally having a name!  This time around was much harder to name her definitively simply because we had Isabella's name for 10 years!  But this was the one that I knew we'd end up with from the beginning!  So without further ado, her name shall be...

Aubrey Lynn

I can't wait to be able to put a face and sweet, squishy little body to her name! Lynn is my middle name (as well as my mom's), and we just love the name Aubrey. So despite a few other choices we considered (Harper Lynn & Quinn Day), Aubrey was our clear cut winner.  We can't wait to meet you little miss Aubrey Lynn!

How Big is Baby: The size of an eggplant!

Weight Gain: +3 over the last 2 weeks, so +1 overall (agh...I'm at that scary above starting point weight...I may just keep my eyes closed on the scale from here on out! I don't think I want to see it keep going up and up to numbers I've never seen before!).

Workouts: Week 26 we were in San Fran so we took walks every day (about 30 minutes) which had some killer hills. I also was able to do 3 days of prenatal yoga not necessarily b/c I was eager to do more, but b/c my low back was hurting so badly that it was necessary (and definitely helped!). 

Week 27 I was trying to recuperate from traveling and jet lag and had zero motivation most days, but fit in 3 prenatal yoga sessions and called it a week.

Maternity Clothes: Definitely needed

Belly Button: Slightly an innie still...slightly!

Sleep: Not great but that's probably a combo of a 3 hour time difference change twice in a week time with our traveling, plus pregnancy hormones, plus insanely numb/hurting hips. Some nights I sleep great for 7 or 8 hours, others I am lucky to get 5 or 6 in a couple hour stretches at a time with being awake 1 or 2 hours in between. 

Cravings: Carbs in general always sound great. Seafood pasta (thanks to being in Cali), mac n cheese, and butter chicken with basmati rice and naan are among the top. Wish I was craving veggies! Peaches are always a go as well!

Aversions: Same ole things- ground turkey is the most repulsive at this point.

What I Missed: Wine on our balcony overlooking the ocean in Cali last week!

Symptoms: The last 2 weeks I have had the worst reflux and heartburn, almost 24/7. There are times so much of my meal comes up I question if I am throwing up...but nope, just good ole' reflux! Also with major low back pain and overall body aches (way more than last time!)...I seriously think I am 95 when I wake up in the morning with how stiff and slowly I move!

Movement: Oh wow can this little lady throw some mean punches...right up into my right ribs and right down onto my bladder! She also can body slam herself down there as well which feels crazy! I love how much she moves!

Gender: It's a GIRL!

Best Moment this Week: We had a great family time in California and fell in love with Pacific Grove!  What a fun 4 days of relaxing, enjoying looking at the ocean while enjoying the warm fall sunshine and cool breeze, taking walks, and just being together. 

Worst Moment this Week: 1.) 5 hour flight from San Fran being 6 months pregnant with a 14 month old who hasn't napped and is exhausted and yet fighting sleep with the best of them!

2.) Two words: Jet-Lag!  Never ending jet lag!  We will sleep normally again...right!?!?

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