Monday, January 18, 2021

Isaiah Jae 31 Months

 Oh our little Bud Bud! How you are this close to 3 years old I cannot even imagine!?! It has been so much fun watching you change and grow over the last 2 months as your vocabulary has just SKY ROCKETED! Makes being around you so much less frustrating and so much fun!

Happy 31 Months Isaiah Jae!


Silly boy, always trying to make us laugh!

31 Month Highlights: (all out of order, but who cares!)

-New Years Eve party! Countdown to the new year at 7 pm!! 

-Cousin Christmas the week after Christmas!

-You 3 love doing cosmic kids yoga! Mama loves watching you cute!

-Homeschool can't be left out!

-You love your baths! Even better with a buddy!

-You love making silly faces!

-Christmas Day fun!

-Christmas Eve tradition - Pops reading Twas the Night Before Christmas

-Pizza and family movie night on Christmas Eve!

-Enjoying some fun 1 on 1 time with Mama outside...usually involves helping with the "bawk bawks"

Sleeping: No big changes. You are a great sleeper, a true joy to put to bed. Can't complain! 

Eating: You are definitely a visual eater. If you don't like the way things look, nope, you won't try it...and you even have a "Mama...yucky!" comment to follow! You LOVE snacks. Not a big lover of actual meals. Drives Mama nuts. 

Isaiah Loves:

-Trucks, trains, cars
-Paw Patrol
-Coloring, especially with markers
-Singing and listening to music
-Playing super hereos and hide-n-seek with Sisters
-Tablet, TV, any electronic!
-Playing with his besties - Austin and Emmalynn

Isaiah Hates:

-Having the tv or tablet turned off
-Not being able to do what sisters are doing

31 Month Stats:

 Height: 35.5 in (about 25th percentile!)

Weight: 25.5 lbs (about 5th percentile)

*Wearing 2T clothes, although some 18 month pants fit better around the waist

*Wearing size 5.5 or 6 shoe

*Pull ups or 2T diapers at night

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