Saturday, January 18, 2020

Isaiah Jae 19 Months

Happy 19 Months Isaiah Jae!

19 Month Highlights:
-We enjoyed a lot of holiday festivities this month, including Holiday Lights of Hope. You absolutely LOVED looking at all of the lights this year, and running around the open fields.

-You are getting so big, and LOVE being on the go! Anytime you hear one of us talking about leaving, you run to the door and grab your shoes : )

-The things you and your sisters do for fun crack us up. Apparently you were riding the donkey and Isabella was reigning you all in : )

-Putting on hats and shoes is one of your favorite things. Even if it's Daddy's hat, or mama's shoes.

-We love family movie nights! This month it was a lot of Christmas movies. You come mostly for the pirates booty, but you sit still for longer than I expect some nights!

-Another day, another hard hat

-You love coming for runs with Mama on Mondays or Fridays. Most days you sit quiety and enjoy the ride, but once and awhile you just take the time to snooze.

-You've been teething like a BEAST this month, and the 2 things that calm you down and stop your screaming is going outside or giving you a bath.

-Just chillin with the big girls

-You and Aubrey are two peas in a pod (most days). You actually get happy when she comes in the room and are thrilled when she plays with you. You love chasing her around the house, and racing each other with the Doc Mobiles keeps you laughing.

-It's sweet watching you and EL grow up together. You can go from smiling to growling at each other in one second. 

-Taking a walk on Christmas eve and you zonked out!

 -Christmas Eve was magical. We spent a day relaxing and spending good family time together. Mimi made an awesome brunch. We made homemade pizza for dinner and watched The Polar Express out on the patio. We finished the night with Pops reading Twas the Night Before Christmas.

-It was such nice weather on Christmas Eve we spent quite a bit of time outside. So much fun. 

-Christmas Day! Isabella was sick which was a big bummer, but you and Aubs enjoyed opening presents together!! So many cars, trucks, and trains! You loved them all!

-Lefma Christmas exchange was a HUGE hit with you. They gave you 3 an awesome train track kit and you are obsessed.
-New Years Eve fun!

Sleeping: No new changes this month. Bedtime around 7 or 7:30, you sleep about 12 hours. We let you play until 7:45 or 8 am. One nap in the afternoon around 1 or 1:30 pm and it lasts on average around 2-3 hours (sometimes on unfortunate days, more like 1.5 hrs). The only exception to this was over the last week you were cutting a few molars at one time and would wake up after 30 or 45 minutes of nap screaming, and would not go back down. Made for a looonnnggg week.

Eating: Overall great eater, just not of vegetables : ) You love oatmeal and cereal for breakfast and guacamole with runny eggs for second breakfast. You also love apple sauce, ham, cheese, veggie straws, cauliflower crackers, fig bars, noodles with butter and parm, grapes, raspberries, and blueberries.

Isaiah Loves:
-Anything with wheels you can drive around
-Being outside
-Going for runs in the stroller with Mama

Isaiah Hates:
 -diaper changes interrupting his play
-not being able to do things independently 

19 Month Stats:
-Height: 30 in (under the growth curve)

-Weight: 20 lb (about 2nd percentile)

*Wearing 9 (almost done with these though!) and 12 month clothes, size 3 diapers, robeez shoes

Isaiah's Firsts this Month:
-You went from not walking to walking AND running so quickly! You've got both down this month!

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