Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Isaiah 12 Months!

Wow, the first birthday of all my kiddos crept up on me, but certainly none as fast as this one! I cannot believe our little guy is already one. He is a true joy, and our cherry on top. He  certainly completes our Little Lerma family!

Happy 12 Months Isaiah Jae!

12 Month Highlights: 

-You are so chill most of the time, and pretty easy to get to laugh. You have the most infectious laugh...we can't get enough!

-We had several park days this month, but when there aren't swings, you are content just sitting in your stroller, drinking your water! Happy little dude. 

 -We had our first monthly "cultural night" and the culture of the evening was Hawaiian. It was a super fun luau, and you certainly were dressed perfectly!!

-You are obsessed with balls, and absolutely love rolling and throwing them for a loooong time! Definitely keeps you preoccupied and happy! You clap and dance when you roll or throw it well as we say "Yayyy!!"

-This is another toy you absolutely love...lots of music and things to move and push.

Sleeping: Bedtime is anytime between 6 and 7, dependning on the day and what we've been doing, or what your naps looked like. You sleep most days til 6:15 or 6:30 am, will breastfeed, and then go right back to bed. Occasionally you've been getting up in the 5 o'clock hour. About half of the time you fall back asleep, the other half you play quietly in bed until about 7:30 or 8 am. 

You then nap around 10 am for about an hour and a half to 2 hours, and then again around 2 or 2:30 for an hour to hour and a half usually. 

Eating: We've backed off on the breastfeeding gradually in the last week, and you haven't been all too thrilled. While Mama loves feeding you, she hates pumping at work. We've cut out 2 feeds (late morning and bedtime), and are now just down to the early morning feed. We still offer milk Mama has pumped in a sippy cup, but you hate the sippy cup. If we put it in a bottle, you still down it. So, gradual transition there!

You've definitely picked up your game when it comes to eating this month! You blow me away with how MUCH you can throw down at some meals! Breakfast you love oatmeal with berries, mango, strawberries, or mixed fruit. For lunch and dinner you love to eat anything the girls are eating, or anything off of Mama and Daddy's plate. Favorite snacks include: squeezies, smoothie, num nums, almond crackers, veggie straws, cheerios, blueberries, strawberries, and sometimes watermelon. 

Isaiah Loves:
-Bathtime with bath toys
-Musical toys
-Play piano
-Activity table

Isaiah Hates:
 -Shoes, things on his feet
-Not being able to be mobile or get something he can't reach

12 Month Stats:
 Height: 28 in (4th percentile)

Weight: 16 lb 10 oz (<1st percentile)

Head Circ: 17.25 in (2nd percentile)

*Wearing size 3 diapers now b/c we ran out of 2s, but those were still fitting just fine.

*Wearing size 6 mo PJs and clothes, and a few summer things that are 9 months

*5 teeth now, one upper middle one has popped through
Isaiah's Firsts this Month:
-Army crawling, but not consistently

This Month in Pictures:

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