Monday, February 18, 2019

Isaiah Jae 8 Months!

You know the times when life just flies right on by and you think you've done something, but nope, it just flew right by you!? Yup, that's what's going on over here. How this dude is 8 months is beyond me! And I was convinced I had most of his 8 month post prepped, but indeed, nope. Not even a template started. Oy vey!

Happy 8 Months Isaiah Jae!

8 Month Highlights:

-You are one easy going baby! You are so easy to take places, you can sleep pretty much anywhere, and you just go with the flow. We've gone to the mall a couple times after church for lunch and let sisters ride the carousel, and you just sit in the stroller and take it all in.

-You absolutely love your playmat and jumpy! You will play on them for quite awhile, and if Isabella or Aubs comes to entertain you, you will be on there for even longer!

-We had some nice weather this month, and spent time outside on the swing set, in the pasture watching the chickens, and going to a park. You love swinging!!

-You are one happy baby! You still have your serious moments, but we can usually get you laugh easily now. 

-You love your big sisters, and love watching them. Sometimes they can be a bit (or a lot overwhelming to you!) but most times you just giggle and laugh when they are all up in your business. 

-You've done so great with taking bottles from Mimi while Mama works, and breastfeeding on the days Mama is home. You are now wanting to hold your own bottle with Mimi. 

Sleeping: Overall I cannot complain in this department (you are the best sleeper we've had!), but you have definitely taken a bit of a regression this month during night time sleep. That being said, you've gotten more into a groove with naps, so there's a plus.

Bedtime is around 5 or 5:30 most nights, and we wake you to eat around 8:30 or 9 pm. Twice I've decided to just see what you would do without waking you, and you wake yourself around 9 or 9:30, so you still aren't ready to give up that dream feed just yet. You then wake up around 5:30 am, eat, and go back to sleep til 7 or 8 am (just depends on the day!).

You nap twice, usually for about 2-3 hours total. Sometimes it's a short 30 minute morning nap, and then longer 2 hour afternoon nap, or sometimes divided evenly. No two days are exactly the same. 

So yes, in short, you sleep a lot, to the tune of about 15-16 hours a day.

Eating: You breastfeed 5-6 times per day, taking both sides at every feed, and finishing in about 6-10 minutes. You have gotten quite distracted lately and pull off about 15 times before the let down which is super fun for Mama.

Food on the other hand is slow going. You pretty much make a puke face with every single thing we've given you, with the exception to apple sauce now. After about 8 tries, you will take some bites of it, occasionally enough to finish an entire 3 oz squeezie over the course of the day. Things we've tried: yogurt, scrambled eggs, cheese, avacado, butternut squash, peas, carrots, oatmeal, and just different things here and there from our plate. You definitely don't like things with texture, and only want things in finely pureed form. 

Isaiah Loves:
-Circle activity center
-Elephant paci (but you don't put the paci in your mouth), and elephant lovee
-Soft color blocks
-Music, singing, "dancing" on our laps
-"Flying" in the air
-Piano playmat

Isaiah Hates:
 -Being on his tummy
-Being tired or hungry (but pretty much that's the only time he cries these days)

8 Month Stats:
Height: 26 in (approx 2nd percentile)

Weight: 15 lbs (1st percentile)

*Wearing 3 month pants, and 3-6 or some 6 month onesies and shirts. 

*Still in size 1 diapers which fit well (trying to use the ones we got before he was born!!)

No teeth yet.

Isaiah's Firsts this Month:
-You are sitting for slightly longer periods of time, but still not long enough to play or do anything, you mostly just throw yourself back
-Still not rolling back to front, but hate your tummy enough to promptly roll from tummy to back

This Month in Pictures:

This was Mama's kermit the frog sweatshirt when she was a baby!!!

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