Sunday, December 30, 2018

Christmas 2018

This Christmas season was fun, exciting, exhausting, and jam packed with festivities! Each year gets better and better as the girls get older and older. 

We had several Santa visits (one at the library, one at church, and one at the store), but the girls didn't seem to know what to say each time : )  

OH this makes me laugh so hard every time!!!

-Mama's work had a fun dinner party in Atlanta, which made for a great date night out!

-We love staying in our Christmas Jammies all day kinda days off!!!

Isabella and Aubrey had their MCA Christmas pagent. Isabella got to be an Angel and do a dance with 3 other little angels and she was estatic about it! Aubrey's 2 year old class were all stars, and sang (appropriately) Twinkle, Twinkle twice, and then sat down for the remainder of the program. 

Our small group had a Christmas party for the adults, and it was a much need, super fun, stomach-hurts-from-laughing-SO-much kinda night! We played a couple of fun games, ate some great appetizers, and just had a blast being around each other. 

 Mama had her annual Christmas brunch which was a ton of fun, and had a TON of great food!

 -About 3 days before Christmas, we let Isabella and Aubrey open up a gift or two, so that Christmas day wouldn't be super overwhelming. They looked forward to unwrapping things each day, and we had a lot of fun family movie or game nights to enjoy what was being unwrapped!

-Christmas Eve we had a nice family dinner, and in keeping with tradition, Pops read Twas the Night Before Christmas right before bed

-Christmas day was fun, a bit chaotic with 5 kids now, but also just a good time with family. We had our Lerma 5 christmas (with Mimi and Pops) in the morning, and let you girls unwrap the remainder of your gifts, plus stockings. Then around 11, Tia, Uncle G, DL and EL came over. We had brunch (sausage balls, eggs, croissants, and of course pomegranite mimosas!), and then opened more presents!  During nap time, the adults had an amazing meal of prime rib, Mimi's mashed potatoes, hot rolls, and green beans. Squeezed in there were 7 baby feedings (3 for Zae, and 4 for EL), an attempt to play a game (didn't happen), lots of running around, tons of Christmas wrapping paper, and a lot of fun! Whew, it was a long, fun, exhausting day!


Gotta get in my newborn snuggles!!

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