Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Aubrey 35 Months!

Happy 35 Months Aubrey Lynn!

35 Month Highlights:

-Whew, you have a LOT of personality! You are so cute, so silly, so spunky, and can throw a fit with the best of them.

-You LOVE your Daddy, and one of your most favorite things in the world is playing "Daddy Bear" at night before bed. This mostly involves Daddy pretending to be a bear and chasing you in circles in our bedroom, and then tackling and tickling you. But if he goes down you climb all over him and say "I want to be a monkey climbing on the bear : )

-You also love our "play ground" and we love how tired it gets you : ) You LOVE swinging, going down the spiral slide, and walking on the "balance beams"

-We love doing crafts together, and painting these wooden pumpkins before Halloween was no exception! You took your time and painted sections with their own color which turned out cute and colorful in the end! Also, we are still working on smiling pretty!

-Mama is still trying to figure out how to fit in work outs with you 3 crazy kids : ) On Tuesdays, we've been trying to put Isaiah down for his morning nap, and then go out to the gym (in our 3rd car garage), so Mama can work out, and you and Bella can play. But about half the time you are on the yoga mats with Mama getting your own work out in. Otherwise you love riding the scooter, playing (mostly spilling) bubbles, or running with the garden flowers/pinwheels!

-You and Isabella got flu shots this month, and on the way home we drove through downtown Woodstock and saw all of the pumpkin scare crows. You both saw the Incredibles one from the car and asked to stop. So we spent about 45 minutes walking around and looking at them all which was fun. We ended up the walk at the farmers market where you got a free lollipop, and that just made your day. Good treat for being a rock star at your flu shot!

-Bella has taken up a new hobby this month: photography. You have taken up a new hobby this month: modeling : ) I laugh everytime I get on the computer and see the camera phone uploads that I didn't even know were on my phone! You love being goofy while she tells you to smile for the camera!

Photo cred for above 4 pictures: Isabella Rae : )

-We went apple picking at a new orchard this year and LOVED it! Thank you Hillcrest Orchards! It was a gorgeous day, the apples were plentiful, and there was SO much to do, we spent 6 hours there, and didn't even get to it all! You ate your weight in apples, but also loved the cow train ride, the play grounds, and just being with your buddies (DL, and the Harts came with us!).  

Orchard races...not sure if it was more fun for those participating, or the adults watching EVERY.SINGLE.KID wipe out!!!

You got to milk a cow!

-Mama got to take you on a special date with Tia and DL to the Holly Springs Fall Festival. It was over 90 degrees, and we were sweating like crazy, but still had a blast! Spin art, good food trucks, icees, bouncy houses, hay rides, and tattoo fun!

-We did trunk or treat again this year at your school and since life is just a bit chaotic at the moment with mama working and having a new baby and all, we kept it super simple... Care Bears!  

Sleeping: Bedtime is still 7:30, at least that's the goal. This last month Daddy has been more tired and since he usually puts you to bed, it's been pretty close to this time! You play in your bed until 8:30, sometimes 9:30, and then sleep til about 7:30 or so. 

Naps are still at 1:30 or 2, and while you would rather skip the nap these days, you still need them! About once, sometimes twice a week, you just play in bed through your nap, and those nights are a bit rough. AKA: whiny! So Mama has started to go in your room by 3 if you don't fall asleep, and make you close your eyes and not move a muscle which sometimes makes you mad, and sometimes makes you giggle. But, it always makes you fall asleep, and that's what matters! Wake up time is 4 if you fall asleep quickly, or 4:30 if you fall asleep around 3. 

Eating: You are a true meat eater, and hate all things vegetarian : ) No new favorites this month!

Aubrey Loves:
-Playing outside
-Playing on the swing set
-Coloring, painting, crafting
-Watching You Tube Kids songs, PJ Masks, and Paw Patrol
-Dress up, especially being "Anna" from Frozen
-Reading (you could read ALL the books EVERY day!)
-Playing Daddy Bear and wrestling with Daddy

Aubrey Hates:
 -Taking naps
-Going potty (WHY is this a battle!?)
-Not being able to do something Isabella can do

35 Month Stats:
Weight: 26 lb 10 oz (approx 15th percentile)

*Wearing 2T clothes still
*Wearing size 5 shoes

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