Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Isaiah Jae 3 Months!

Oh this little guy just gets better and better with each passing month! There were moments where I thought he was going to be a non-smiling, non-sleeping thing forever. And yet here we are, and we have a pretty happy, smiling more, and definitely sleeping more little man. We couldn't be more thrilled!! Sleep makes a person feel human again. Hallelujah!

Happy 3 Months Isaiah Jae!

3 Month Highlights:

-You still don't love baths, but at least you don't scream the entire way through them any more. 

-You do LOVE your tummy, mostly to take naps when you are in front of us, but are doing better and better with tummy time as well.

-Daddy's all time favorite thing is to relax with you laying on his chest! He definitely treasures these times, and is glad you love to do it as well (unlike another child we have, ahem, Aubs!)

-You started actually enjoying the piano play mat and occasionally swatting at some of the toys. The cutest thing though was when you noticed the mirror and would smile and coo at it! Of course, sisters always think it's adorable that you're playing, and want to join in on the fun!

-Mama has really enjoyed feeding you on the rocker in her room, and this month while you've backed off on the number of feeds per day, most of them have been on the rocker. After feeds you are usually happy and smiley, so Mama tends to treasure these times!

-You started smiling a bit more in week 10, and a whole lot more week 11 on. Oh, it's the sweetest thing ever, and even though Mama isn't emotional she finds herself welling up when you get that big cheesy grin with the dimple popping out! Now, to catch those cute smiles better on camera!

-You had a few "play dates" although it was mostly an excuse for Mama to get out and enjoy some time with some co-workers who all had babies around the same time as you were born! You are known as the fussy baby in the group, but that is turning around these days.

-Mama started singing with the band again after a 3 month hiatus, and of course you came along : ) You tend to sleep quite well during rehearsal while Mama wears you!

-We went on a 16 day family vacation for the rest of the month of September, and you are an amazing little traveler! You slept great, you ate great, you chilled on the beach with the best of them! I'm going to do an entire vaca post, so won't post a ton of pics here, but we couldn't stop raving the entire trip about easy you were to take along with us!

Sleeping: Somehow overnight, literally overnight, you went from a bad sleeper to an amazing sleeper!  A few days before you turned 9 weeks, you had a super irritable, not much sleep day which was rough. That was preceeded by many nights of you sleeping no longer than a 3 hour stretch, so Mama was at the end of her rope. And then, you slept 8 hours!! At 9 and 10 weeks, you were fed at 10:30, and slept til anywhere between 6:30 and 7:30.  At 11 weeks, you ate at 10:30 and slept til 7:30, occasionally 8! Week 12 looked pretty similar, but there was a day or two that you had to be woken up at 8:30 am! Hallelujah!

Eating: Weeks 9 and 10 you still ate 7 times a day. Week 11 you dropped to 6 feeds, and still did great sleeping through the night. Week 12 you had 2 days where you dropped another feed, and although it didn't make a difference in how you slept at night, Mama wanted to make sure you kept gaining good weight, and so tried sneaking in that 6th feed the remaining days. 

Your usual routine is eating at 7:30 or 8 am, 11 am, 2ish, 5ish, 7:30 pm, and then 10:30 pm. Occasionally you will go longer than 3 hours between day time feeds, and that just clusters the next two, but you've done great this month! It takes about 10 minutes for you to eat, and you still mostly eat on one side. Occasionally you will have a day where you eat on both sides for all the feeds except the first morning feed (b/c I'm still so full at that time), but for the most part you get your fill with the one side. 

You've done fantastic without the shield still, so much so Mama packed them all up and gave them to Tia! Mama is pumping once in the morning on the side you don't eat from just to keep up her back to work freezer stash, although this probably isn't necessary because of how much milk is already in the freezer! We did stop using the silicone hand pump as well around 8 weeks because we were getting less and less, already had a big freezer stash, and it was a pain carrying it around for feeds all over the place. 

Overall, champion eater!

Isaiah Loves:
-Being snuggled in the Boba wrap

-Listening to classical music with baths and getting ready for bed
-Laying on Daddy's chest
-Sleeping on your tummy for short day time naps
-Being swaddled

Isaiah Hates:
-Getting diapers changed and dressed, although this is getting so much better
-Being put in his car seat, or sitting in there for awhile

3 Month Stats:
Height: 23.5 in (15th percentile)

9 weeks - 10 lb 5 oz
10 weeks- 10 lb 12 oz
11 weeks- 10 lb 14.5 oz
12 weeks- 11 lb 2 oz
13 weeks (day before 3 months)- 11 lb 6 oz (5th percentile!)

*Wearing newborn things still, although one by one they are getting too snug and being put away in the box. Also wearing some 0-3 month things.

*Wearing size 1 diapers

Isaiah's Firsts this Month:
-Cooing and smiling at the same time: 10 weeks
-Crying with real tears: 11 weeks
-First road trip (7 hours): 12 weeks
-First time at the beach! 12 weeks

Weekly Pictures:

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