Thursday, April 13, 2017

Isabell 34 Months!

Wow, I used to say this a lot, then may have stopped b/c let's be honest, the 2s are not one big party every day, but this month has been a ton of fun! You are getting older and wiser by the minute, and I'm still working on figuring out just how to slow time down.  Your personality is shining even more, if that's possible, and I love seeing the affectionate, compassionate, nurturing little lady you are becoming! It wouldn't shock me one bit if you wanted to be a nurse when you grow up b/c you just have a heart for people when they are hurting or are sick.  I love you my big girl!
Happy 34 Months Isabella Rae!

34 Month Highlights:
 -Mama and Daddy went on a (much needed!) vacation and you and Aubrey stayed for 5 nights with Mimi and Pops. Well, Mimi and Pops stayed with you guys. You did fabulous of course, but you got a stomach virus and were pretty miserable for about 2 days. Poor baby. So glad if Mama couldn't be there to take care of you, Mimi and Pops were, because you got tons of love and were nursed back to health in no time. 

-We got a free car wash from the Sweetheart 5K race we did last month, and you would have thought we took you to an amusement park. You loved being there, watching all the cars go through.  You have asked to go back at least 10 times since!

-We went to visit the new house a few times this month to keep up with the progress. You absolutely love going and keep asking when we can move in. 

-You absolutely love dressing up, and it's pretty much a daily occurrence.  Last week you even managed to let Mimi take you to the library in your princess dress : ) 

-You went to the dentist for the first time and I couldn't have been more proud of you! While there were times you were unsure of what was going to happen, you were SO brave and so polite. They really just gave you a good brushing and flossing, and looked at your teeth but you did great. It helped that the hygienist was absolutely amazing with you, and the dentist herself was super sweet. At the end you got a princess tooth brush, some mini flossers, and a "money" to put in the machine and a hot pink bouncy ball came out which you loved.

Sleeping: Bedtime is 7:30ish, although we go up at 7pm to get in jammies, brush teeth and start the reading/singing process. You usually don't fall asleep til 8:30, sometimes 9 pm, and wake up around 7 or 7:30 am. You nap from 1 til 3 or 4.

Eating: You are a great eater, and while you don't love meat, you can really throw down in general!  I also love that you will take a bite of anything and even if you don't like it, you try it.  Favorite foods this month: PB & J sandwiches, any and all fruit, squeezies, yogurt with jelly, goldfish, pasta with butter and cheese, cheese, Lara bars (which is what we use a bite of for your "poo poo treat"). And while you don't ask for vegetables, I'm grateful you will actually eat your broccoli, green beans, corn, and spinach (when I chop it and mix it into things). 

Isabella Loves:
-Singing, dancing, and music. All the time!
-Drawing and coloring with colored pencils and pens
-Dress up
-Playing outside, running, swinging in the backyard
-Helping Mama garden
-Going to the park 
-I hate to say it, but seriously would watch 23 hours a day if we let you! Favorites: Doc McStuffins, Angelina Ballerina, or anything with a lot of singing in it

Isabella Hates:
 -Trying to do something on her own and realizing she can't
-Aubrey chasing her (when she's not in the mood)

34 Month Stats:
 Height: 37 in (about 50th percentile)
 -I stink at this whole measuring thing b/c last month I said she was 38. I did it 3 times this morning and still got 37. Oh well. Somewhere around there : )

Weight: 33lbs (75th percentile)

Teeth: Still just waiting on last 4 molars

*Wearing 3T things and some 2T from last year

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