Thursday, March 30, 2017

Aubrey 16 Months!

Where on earth is time going??? I can't believe my baby is 16 months, and while I know I say this all the time, she just acts so much older. Which makes it that much sadder. It also makes it that much more fun!  This little lady is TONS of fun. She is seriously the happiest baby (when she's not teething), is always smiling, wanting to make us laugh, and just so much FUN!! We love our little 16 month old!

Happy 16 Months Aubrey Lynn!

16 Month Highlights:

 -We spent a lot of time outside this month because the weather was just so gorgeous! We played on our back yard swing set quite a bit, went to a few different parks, and just ran around our neighborhood.

This was the evening when you were naked (except your diaper) and I opened the garage to put something outside in the garbage can. I go back inside, close the door and had no idea where you were. You had gone outside, sat in your car, and were waiting to go for a ride! Ha!

This was let's play dress up and then go outside partly in dress up and partly in jammies Monday : )

I wish I had videod this b/c a picture doesn't do it justice, but you guys were running and "flapping" your fairy wings all around the neighborhood! So cute to watch you follow and do exactly what your big sister does!

Sweet sisters!

-You are your infatuation with black beans! I love that you enjoy them so much, but clean up is never fun b/c literally every single time you eat them ends up just like this!

-Transitioning to one nap was hard for you this month!  Sweet baby!

Sleeping: We officially transitioned to 1 nap this last month, not necessarily on purpose, but because we put our house on the market and had so many showings, our schedule only lended to you taking 1 nap.  You are still having a little bit of a hard time with it (AKA: falling asleep in the car or falling asleep in your high chair during lunch) but overall it has made our day a lot easier and more flexible!  Part of you still not getting the hang of it is also not really knowing how to consolidate your sleep, so some days you nap for 45 minutes and other days you sleep 2 hours (rare, but it still happens like once a week).  

Bedtime is still 7pm, and you are usually asleep by 7:30.  You wake up around 6:45 most mornings but we try and leave you in bed til 7:15 or 7:30 when we can! You don't love your crib like your sister did and usually once you wake up you just want to be out.  I don't blame you.  One huge victory this month though is you dropping your middle of the night feed....YAYYYY!!!  We give you a sippy cup of milk while we rock you before bed and you are good to go before you drink more milk once you wake up (which just buys us time til we can fix your oatmeal!).

Eating: Some days you amaze me with how much you eat, and other days you amaze me with how little you eat! You have also gotten pickier this month which has made mealtimes very interesting.  You love fruit but decided this month that you will absolutely not eat raspberries, blueberries or blackberries (things you would scarf down in the past!).  Oatmeal, chicken,  and other staples are also things you love one day and hate the next.  Things I can always count on you eating: runny eggs, the yolk of a hard boiled egg, squeezies, avacado, black beans, cheese, nectarines, & grapes.

Aubrey Loves:
-Being outside, running in the driveway, playing on the swingset
-Going to parks
-Music (favorite songs still are Twinkle Twinkle and Jingle Bells)
-Sitting and reading (it's SO cute watching you climb on the playroom futon with your books and just reading!)

  Aubrey Hates:
-Having things on her head (hats, bows, even sunglasses)
 -Going inside after we have been playing outside

16 Month Stats:
Height: 29 in (25th percentile)

Weight: 20 lb 4 oz (3rd percentile)

Teeth: 12 total- 4 top, 4 bottom and 1 molar each side top and bottom!

*Wearing 12 month clothes and size 3 diapers

Monday, March 13, 2017

Isabella 33 Months!

We are getting so close to your 3rd birthday, I can't even believe it!  This month we looked into preschools, and planned to take some tours. The fact that I'm even at the stage in life with you to be entering into preschool blows me away.  But, I know that you will absolutely love it and flourish there!

Happy 33 Months Isabella Rae!

This Month's Highlights:
 -We celebrated Valentines Day and you just LOVE holidays! Anything with surprises or presents make your day.  We had a fun pancake and egg breakfast as a family, and 
gave you a little (hand me down!) present of a ballerina outfit that went perfectly with a tutu you already had.  Since you've loved Angelina Ballerina the last month of so, you totally got into it!

-We had a superbowl party with family and it was fun rooting for the Falcons (who unfortunately lost in a devastating overtime!).  You loved to do a little cheerleading with the "Yay, it's the Superbowl...Rise Up...Go Falcons!" It was so cute watching you throw your arms in the air and jump around.

-One of your all time favorite things to do is go to the park, and with our house now on the market, we've done quite a bit of that as we had to get out of the house! You love big slides, twisty slides, and your favorite: tube slides! You also love climbing anything and everything, even things that are way too big for you!

Dani loves, not so much. You last about 90 seconds most times!

-Our house is really coming along, and you love going to visit it! I don't know if you fully grasp that in a few months we will be living in a different home, but for now, you really enjoy going there every couple weekends to explore what new things have been done!

-On a sad note, you started calling Aubrey by her real name this month, not just calling her "Aubee". Oh my, you are certainly growing up fast. And I'm pretty sure "Aubee" is here to stay with the adults...even Miss Nicki at the library calls her that : )

-We all got another lovely family cold which just stinks!  This has been a rough cold and flu season for us (2 stomach bugs that went around to each of us, and 2 colds!). Mama got a sinus infection and laryngitis on top of it all which was a fun 6 days of no voice!

-You are Aubrey both have really gotten into dress up this month and it's so cute to watch you put little outfits on and prance around the house. Anything that makes you look like a ballerina or princess, or anything tutu related makes you excited!

Sleeping: Daddy has been putting you to sleep most nights because you seem to give Mama a really hard time. We still can't figure out why that is and have tried different tactics, but for now Daddy enjoys his time with you at night, and Mama fills in occasionally (about 2-3 nights a week).  Bedtime is 7:30 but good night, you have been taking forever to be put down (and here's where the difference lies between Mama and Daddy I think...he has more patience and has no problem spending an hour, while Mama is done after about 30 minutes!). You wake up around 7 or so, and play in your room til 7:30 or 8.  Daylight savings hit at the end of this month (GRRRR!!!) and you were all out of whack for an entire week. You would stay up til 10pm and just be a beast to put down. The man who invented DST certainly did not have little kids!

Your nap is around 1 and you sleep 2-3 hours, depending on the day. For some reason you are usually pretty easy to get down to nap.

Eating: You're a great eater and will at least try things when we ask you to.  Favorite foods this month: squeezies (still said as "Fee-Gah-Wees"), gouda cheese or mild white cheddar, green smoothies, greek yogurt with fruit, NECTARINES are your newest obsession and you'd eat 22 a day if I let you!, raspberries, strawberries, you still want oatmeal with berries most mornings, "runny eggies" and toast, turkey and cheese sandwiches, and you love goldfish as a treat (that you get at Bible class and with Tia!). Oh and you still love your "sparky water" which sounds a whole lot better than what you used to call it : )

Isabella Loves:
-Music, singing, dancing
-Coloring, although I think you like watching us color more, and certainly love telling us what to draw ("Tiny sun, giant moon, heart, no tiny heart!")
-Doc McStuffins cartoon
-Parks and "tube slides"
-Getting dressed all by yourself (which takes no less than 27 minutes if we let you!)

Isabella Hates:
 -Not being able to do things on her own

33 Month Stats:
Height: 38 in (75th percentile)

Weight: 32 lbs (70th percentile)

Teeth: Still waiting on 1 molar

*Wearing a combination of 2T and 3T things

Monday, March 6, 2017

Aubrey 15 Months!

It officially feels like there is nothing "Baby" about you anymore, as we finally ended breastfeeding this month.   And while there was a teeny tiny (oh so tiny!) part of me that was sad about it, I pretty much did a happy jig the day we decided to give it a go!  And here we are, with you now feeling and looking and acting older than ever.  But I love watching you grow, and change, and morph into this insanely happy, strong willed (yes, the Angry Elf is still there for sure!), fun little lady. 

So Happy 15 Months Aubrey Lynn!

15 Month Highlights:
 -This month we had absolutely gorgeous weather, and despite it being "winter" and February, it felt more like spring, and sometimes early summer days! We went to parks quite a bit, and just played outside around the house to take advantage of it. You are in your happy place being able to run free!

-You are seriously one of the happiest little kids I've ever seen! You are always smiling and giggling, and that is so infectious! My favorite is when you know you are being cute, you smile even bigger and cock your head to the side, all the while I hear you saying "What, little 'ole me!?" in my head : )

-You are also really goofy and love to make us laugh. If you start something and one of us laughs a little bit, you will do it bigger and better to get us really going!  
This goes for saying silly things ("ducka-ducka-ducka" really fast!), putting things on your head and running around, or head banging and singing at dinnertime!

-I mean seriously, this girl is so happy and smiley!  I wish I could bottle her up and keep her this way for a long, long time!

Sleeping: We are getting back on course here, hallelujah.  Bedtime is 7pm, and you sleep til about 3, 4 or 5 when you want to eat, and go back down til about 7am. There have been plenty of days where you want to stay up after you eat, to which we say "No thank you" and put you back in your crib to play. Or sometimes fuss. Either way, you get the memo eventually and fall back asleep.  

Naps have gotten a little more consistent for Mama, but you are all over the place when Mimi has you 2 days a week.  For Mama, you sleep for about 1.5 hours in the morning starting at 10 am, and then go back down in the afternoon for about an hour, usually around 3 or 3:30.   

***As a side note, putting you to bed now is one of my most favorite things in the entire world! When you are tired and I ask "Are you ready for night nights?" you run over to me smiling, and then wave to anyone in the room while saying "byyyyyyye". We go upstairs, and I love rocking and singing to you a few songs b/c most nights you sing along with me ("Ahhhhhhhh" in different tones) which is just too cute.  Other nights you like to play, and while I sing you will pat my cheeks and give me about 1000 kisses.  I just love how affectionate and cuddly you are at bedtime, b/c pretty much every other time during the day I can't keep up with you!

Breastfeeding/Eating: We made the decision to cut out the last breastfeeding session this month, just towards the tail end, partly because Daddy and Mama will be taking a vacation at the beginning of April and we wanted to give you plenty of time to adjust, and partly because it just felt like a natural time to do it, given there were a few mornings Mama had to wake you up to eat before leaving for work.  So even though it's only been about 10 days or so, you've finally started getting the hang of Daddy coming in your room with a sippy cup of milk when you wake up around 5 or 6 am, rather than getting Mama. There were a few rough mornings at the beginning, but it's gotten much easier now.

Favorite foods this month:  Black beans (you can seriously eat your weight in them!), avacado, greek yogurt, oatmeal for breakfast (that we are still using frozen breastmilk in...mama had a crazy supply this time around!), Squeezies, cheese, any and all fruit, rotisserie chicken, & green smoothies.

Aubrey Loves:
-Being outside (you will run to the front door almost daily and bang until we get the hint that you want to be outside!)
-Listening to music and singing (Twinkle Twinkle and Jingle Bells are still your jam!)
-Playing at the park, and yes, you try to do EVERYTHING Bella does!
-Throwing balls
-Reading books (you love all Llama Llama books right now)

  Aubrey Hates:
 -Things on your head (I can't get you to wear a bow or hat to save my life!)

15 Month Stats:
-Height: 30 in (approx 35th percentile)

-Weight: 18 lbs 4 oz (approx 5th percentile)

*Teeth:4 molars, (one on each side and one on top and bottom), 4 top and 3 bottom = 11 total!
*Wearing mostly 12 month clothes, although still in some 9 month things, and size 3 diapers.