Thursday, October 13, 2016

Isabella 28 Months!

This month I found myself thinking, "Wow, it really does get a lot easier the older she gets!" As Isabella gets more and more independent, the day seems to just go so much more smoothly and easier!  Perhaps it was carrying around a newborn and 17 month old up and down stairs or juggling both while running errands or trying to feed 2 "starving" kids at once, but we are in a whole different phase now and it is definitely much easier (AKA: more fun)
Happy 28 Months Isabella Rae!

"Smile pretty for Mama"

28 Month Highlights:

-You really are interacting with Aubrey a lot more this last month, and are *usually* a great big sister.  You love to tell her "No Aubee" when she is doing something you think she shouldn't, but you also love to give her hugs and kisses.  I love watching you two play together (but you have to watch quickly b/c it usually lasts 10 seconds), and one of the sweetest sounds is hearing you both laughing at each other! You've also started to love tackling her to the ground and laying on top of her...all of which makes her laugh hard...and makes mama say No Bella get off your sister!  Every. Single. Day!

-You love to pick out your outfits in the morning, and your favorite part is picking out a bow and shoes! Some days Daddy helps you get dressed, and it's questionable who really picked out the whole ensemble.  Exhibit A below : )
 What do you mean this isn't the best outfit ever!?

-We had gorgeous fall-ish (ok, really more like summer taken down a couple degrees) weather with lots of sunshine which made for some fun Suwanee Town Center picnic days. Your favorite thing there: it's a toss up between "riding" the doggies, eating the picnic lunch, or running all over the field!

-The plague, I mean a nasty, horrible cold, hit the Lerma household this month and it wasn't pretty. It started with Aubrey, (or maybe Daddy on vacation), went to Mama, and Bella was the last to get it.  Made for a lot of coughing, sneezing, snotty noses, can't breath at night which means can't sleep at night fun.  Towards the tail end when we were all still too sick to go out much, we tried to take advantage of the gorgeous fall weather and relax on the back porch loungers.  
"Mama, me no like sickie"
"Mama, feel well no!" (AKA: I don't feel well)
And yes, that is a thermometer she is holding...she got really good at taking medicine and her temp!
Just 2 sickies trying to soak up some fresh air and sunshine

-You are extremely affectionate and I absolutely love it! You always are up for cuddling and rocking, and at random times throughout the day when you are in the middle of playing, you will come running up to me, lay your head on my lap or shoulder and say "I love you, Mama!" Melt. My. Heart!!!!  I wish I could bottle that up and keep it forever!
-Probably your most favorite thing to do all month since we laid low quite a bit of it was coloring. All day long. Seriously. You amazed me at how long you could color!! Pops came over to spend time with you and Aubrey for several hours every day for 4 days while Mama couldn't peel herself out of bed and he was amazed at how you pretty much just wanted to color all the time. You love telling people where to color, what color to use, and what to color ("Tiny stars, no tiny moon. Now heart...boom boom. Now more tiny stars" Our little dictator!).
Sleeping: Bedtime is 7:30 and we usually take you up at 7pm b/c the whole getting on jammies, brushing teeth, putting on lotion (your request every single night!), rocking, reading 2-3 books and singing a few songs takes about 30 minutes.  You have been waking up around 6:30 in the morning, and until you got a bad cold, you would play in your room for about an hour until we came and got you. However, once you got sick (which lasted about 2 weeks), you weren't wanting to be in your room alone, and so it was early wake ups all around.

You nap for 2-3 hours every day, usually starting at 12:30 or 1pm.  

Eating: I have to say, when I think back to 4 or 5 months ago, your appetite has definitely decreased quite a bit, but you are still a good eater.  You will pretty much try anything at least once still, and even if you don't like it you give it a go.  We have been doing more family dinners together which means you eat a lot more of whatever I am cooking for dinner (so nice!). 

Favorite foods: garden "circle teetoes" (AKA cherry tomatoes), black olives, FRUIT!, bread, goldfish, cheese, yogurt, and you still eat your oatmeal with fruit or preserves every morning. 
Girl LOVES her greek yogurt!
Isabella Loves:
-Music, dancing, singing
-Reading books
-Rocking and cuddling (I love how much you love this still!)
-Picking out your outfits
-Shoes! You LOVE shoes, boots, slippers...anything for your feet!
-Daniel Tiger
-Playing outside, swinging, slides, running, and taking walks

Isabella Hates:
 -Not being able to do something independently

28 Month Stats:
Height: 36 in (approx 55th percentile)

Weight: 29.5 lb (approx 55th percentile)

*Wearing 2T and 24 mo clothes, 2T panties, and size 5 shoes
* In size 5 diapers now when sleeping

*No new teeth

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