Tuesday, November 25, 2014

5 Months!

**You know, I try my best to get these monthly posts done as they occur so that the posting can be closer to where Bella is at, rather than the next month.  But I guess with having a newborn (who is not so newborn-ish anymore!), moving across the country, then moving a second time, and having a niece all in 5 months makes for a busy lifeI keep telling myself eventually life will slow down.  And it may, eventually.  But it may not. So with that I will embrace the time I have with Isabella, and document those precious times as I can, when I can.  Without further ado- here is the 5 month update!
Isabella Rae- you are truly a joy in our lives. Each month just keeps getting better and better with you. I can't believe how fast you are growing up, and we cherish each day we get to spend together!  You truly are our sunshine!  

Happy 5 Months Isabella Rae!!

5 Month Highlights:
-You have become so much more interactive this month. We LOVE to make you smile, and although at times you can be quite serious, you ultimately end up giving us the toothless grin!
You love your caterpillar toy!
-The day you turned 19 weeks, your hair just grew overnight! Craziest thing...you went to bed bald, and woke up with a bunch of fuzzy, dark hair! Ever since we feel like it's growing right before our eyes, and tends to be lightening throughout the month!

-Also around 19 weeks you really started to giggle and laugh more, particularly when we fly your around in the air or blow on your tummy.  Love those precious giggles! Along with laughing though, you started to let out this very high pitched, very loud scream when you are happy...and when you are mad. Makes for very confusing times when we can't see your face!
Always waving those hands when you giggle!

-You celebrated your first Halloween this month, complete with a new outfit a day for about an entire week or more before!  You were a ladybug for Halloween and certainly LOVED trick or treating. OK, well you loved being outside taking a walk with the other kids who were actually trick or treating : ) 
The daddys and their girls

-You had your first sleepover at a friends house.  OK, maybe this pertained more to Mama and Daddy, but we all had a sleepover at the Lefler's house, and you did great!  We love that we can take you anywhere, and you are pretty adaptable. 

-You rolled over for the first time from your belly to back the day after you turned 21 weeks! You still haven't rolled over from your back to belly yet, but you are rocking side to side more and more, and getting pretty close. That being said, you don't particularly like laying down and will constantly do a crunch to try and sit up.  And once we have you sitting up, you pull to standing if we are holding onto your hands. You are definitely great at weight bearing!

-We closed on our new house in Suwanee, GA the day you turned 5 months (11/13/14)! We are so excited to watch you grow up in this house...hopefully for a very, very long time!

-And finally, and probably most exciting, the day you turned 5 months, we welcomed your very first cousin on the Allard side, Daniela Leigh (AKA: Dani!). She had a full head of black hair, and a ferocious cry, and we loved her the moment we saw her! We can't wait to take a ton of cute cousin pics in the future, but so far we don't have any of you two together b/c you weren't able to go see her in the hospital. 
Sleeping: So the 4 month sleep regression is a real thing. REAL thing, I tell ya!  Bella goes to bed around 6:30 or 7pm and gets up for the morning at about 6 am.  Sounds great right? Oh, but I forgot to mention that she wakes up every 1-2 hours or so during the entire night, and on especially great nights she wakes up every 15 minutes for about 2 hours.  Most times she just needs her pacifier put back in, but about once a night she needs some extra cuddles and rocking.  Makes for some really great, really choppy sleep! Naps have slowly gotten better, particularly over the last 2 weeks. She is actually starting to form a morning nap, and generally will go down some time around 10 am and sleep for anywhere from 1-2 hours. The rest of the day is up in the air. Most days she takes one or two 30 minute naps throughout the afternoon, but some days its no naps, and very rarely will get in one other longer nap.  Your guess is as good as mine!
Breastfeeding: Last month I felt like we were definitely in the swing of things, and this month even more so.  Bella is getting more and more efficient, and her feeds usually last 12-20 minutes. She eats 5 times a day, spaced about 3 hours apart.  Occasionally she gets distracted with feeds and will pull off and look around, but overall she isn't too bad about it. She hasn't needed a night feed in quite some time, which is nice. 

Isabella Loves:
Being held...a lot!
Her swing
Moo cow wubabub
Caterpillar toy and crinkle book
Baths and showers
Taking walks
Being outside
Isabella Hates:
Tummy time (I would call this a *dislike* this month, rather than a hate)
Being in her carseat for a long time (although this has gotten MUCH better!)

5 Month Stats:
Weight: 12 lb 2 oz (5th percentile)- we are not sure why she is back down the the 5th percentile so we are going to work on that a bit in this next month
Height: 24.5 in (30th percentile)
Isabella's Firsts this Month:
-Halloween 10/31/14
-Roll from tummy to back 11/8/14

This Month in Pictures:


She loves flying. Mama loves making her smile!

Someone wasn't feeling this day of Halloween festivities!
She LOVES her snuggles!

This girl loves to play!

The many faces of our little jack-o-lantern

What a pretty little ladybug

One lady bug and 2 Doc McStufins (AKA: Catelyn and Addison Lefler)

Our happy little girl!

Side by side mama and Bella comparison : )
Don't be deceived, you haven't been to the zoo yet.  Just a regular ole' Southern furniture store!
Still lovin' your bathtime!

When you can't just choose one, pick them all!

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