Tuesday, July 1, 2014

40 Weeks...Due Date!

July 1, 2014
Isabella's due date! 40 weeks! 
And yet here we are, Isabella is 2 weeks and 4 days old already.
Our lives have been forever changed in the last 2.5 weeks with Isabella's arrival.
And while I missed out on the precious (although some women would argue my choice of words there!) last 3 weeks of pregnancy, we have the sweetest, cutest, cuddliest baby in our arms.
I missed the last 3 weeks of baby bump kicks and punches, but get to watch Bella flail about and figure out what to do with her arms as she adjusts to this life.
I missed the last 3 weeks of watching that bump grow, but I must say seeing it deflate at a rapid pace over the last 2 weeks has been encouraging.
I missed one last scheduled ultrasound, but have had 2.5 weeks of seeing this precious face in person!
While I absolutely LOVED being pregnant, and treasured every moment of it, I absolutely LOVE being a mama so much more! 
So happy due date baby girl! Happy 40 weeks...or 2.5 weeks here!  We are so glad you entered our lives when you did. 

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