Tuesday, January 28, 2014

18 Weeks!


How Big is Baby? the size of a sweet potato
Weight Gain? -1 this week, so +9 overall (is it wrong to say Woo Hoo!!! I mean this whole weight gain thing and getting squishy all over is not easy for me).

Workouts this Week: One upper body strength training (using the resistance bands Jon got me for Christmas!), one stair climber cardio session, one lower body strength session.

Maternity Clothes?  I don't know what I'd do without my black leggings with sweaters or sweatshirts for days off.  And my regular dresses are still working for me when I go to work.
Belly Button (in or out)? In

Sleep: I started using "The Cloud" (AKA: what Jon and I call my ginormous, amazingly fluffy LeechCo pregnancy pillow) every day for the last week and a half or so, and let me tell you, it has upped my sleep comfort factor!  My hips don't fall asleep as much as before, and I'm resting well.  The only downside is climbing over the mountain it creates to pee once or twice a night. 
Cravings: Pickles...and I seriously have to restrain myself from drinking the juice straight from the large Costco sized jar!
Aversions: Chicken breast, red meat, ground turkey, sweets/chocolate
What I Missed: Actually wanting something sweet...with the extreme cold this week, there were several times that I thought "Ohh, hot chocolate would be so good and comforting right now!"  Then I actually thought about drinking it and it made me gag.  Oh well.  There could be worse things!
Symptoms: Still not much of an appetite, but other than a few quick bouts of nausea, at least that has drastically improved.  Otherwise, acne like I'm 13 all over again, really dry eyes, and some headaches here and there.
Movement: I can now confirm that the "bubbles popping" experience is truly Little Miss Lerma!! I've been able to feel it more and more as the week progressed, and while I'm still a bit shocked I started feeling it at 16 weeks, that is definitely my baby girl!  Most amazing thing ever!!  Jon is definitely jealous : )
Gender: It's a GIRL!!!!
Best Moment of the Week: Getting to spend time drinking coffee and catching up with my best friend who lives too far away (even though it really is less than 2 hours away).  I definitely needed that my Stefi-poo : ) 
Worst Moment of the Week: Having to work the full 16 hour night shifts again...ugh they are bad not being pregnant, but now it just took it to a whole other level of awfulness!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Our 20 week ultrasound...I know, it's 2 weeks away, but I can't wait to see Baby Girl again.  I'm sure she's grown a TON since we last got to see her!! And now knowing it's a girl will make the ultrasounds that much more fun!

1 comment:

  1. weight gain sucks doesn't it - that's the one part about pregnancy that really sucks - plus once you put it on, your body never forgets, your fat cells only shrink when you lose the weight and not disappear. I hate being over weight and it seems no matter how hard I try I can't get down to my pre weight - grrr - At least I have two munchkins that make it worth it!

    Yay for realizing it was the little bean that was doing flips in your tummy! Told ya it was :P Now the next YAY will be when Jon can feel the little girly (hubby got this on his birthday so it was extra special) - truely magical and then it gives you one more thing to bond over and he won't stop asking you and feeling, just waiting for the moment again and again and again.
