Tuesday, October 29, 2013

5 Weeks

I know, I know. Most people don't starting blogging about their progress until 8 weeks or so.

But I'm not most people.  With everything we've gone through, I want to document it all!  And with the way that I've craved salt this week (as in I want to dip my entire head in the bowl of kosher salt that sits on our counter, or drink an entire vat of pickle juice!), I want to remember these things!

So here it is...week 5 pregnancy progress!

Let's start with the positive first:  My boobs are almost an entire bra size bigger already! YAY!
Now to the grr:  Next time I have to remember to pose with my back leg straight so it doesn't look like my thigh is the size of Jupitor.  But it took a good 12 tries to get the image to come out as clear as this one which doesn't say much, so I was done with it!  Second, while I would love to start with a completely flat stomach, here is the remainder of the good ole' overall stomach bloat retrieval has left me.  That, and the no workout rule that has been imposed on me over the last month and a half! (And yes, I hear you, my two friends saying "Shut it skinny B")

How Far Along? 5 weeks
How Big is Baby? The size of a sesame seed
Weight Gain? I'm back down to +5 lbs which was how much I put on after the stimulation meds, and likely water weight (you should have seen the +8 after the retrieval!)
Maternity Clothes? Well seeing as I previously lived in stretch pants pretty much at all times, it's been an easy transition for me.  That and I get to work cute flowy dresses and skirs to work so no need at this point.  Although I'd be lying if I didn't say that one of my most favorite pairs of skinny jeans are actually maternity...shh, nobody else needs to know that I may or may not have been wearing them prior to all of this! Don't worry, it's not like they have one of those huge belly bands or anything, you can barely-ish tell they are maternity!
Belly Button (in or out)? In
Sleep:  Great...and lots of it! I feel super tired in the last week, and will easily fall asleep at 8:30.  But maybe I'm just balancing that out with the fact that I now wake up twice in the middle of the night to pee which is SO different from my norm of peeing like twice daily!
Cravings: Salt (and LOTS of it!), cottage cheese with tomatoes, green juice, homemade pickles, green olives

Aversions: Red meat, chocolate, really anything sweet (what is WRONG with me!?!?)
What I Miss: Pumpkin beer at our halloween party, Cabernet (almost nightly!), and sushi!
Symptoms: mild cramping that comes and goes, intermittent gagging with mild nausea that passes pretty quickly, and boobs that hurt even if I look at them!
Movement: Definitely not, too early!
Best Moment of the Week: Getting excellent HCG and progesterone results!
Worst Moment of the Week: Momentarily falling asleep while in park at a railroad crossing waiting for the never ending train to pass at 1:30 am driving home from work...I hate these late night shifts! At least there was a person behind me who honked to wake me up, otherwise I might have found myself waking up to the sunrise while sleeping on the road in the car overnight (dad, you didn't read that)!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Our Ultrasound to see these Little Lermas next Tuesday!

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