Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Isaiah Jae 20 Months

Happy 20 Months Isaiah Jae!

20 Month Highlights:

-We've been doing Community Groups every Sunday evening with 8 families which is so much fun and so much chaos all at once! We bring potluck dinners and get to eat together, and then have a short (usually 15 min) discussion. It's fun watching the big girls play together, and you 3 little boys learning how to play together!

-On MLK day, we went to the mall to spend the morning. You loved the play area, and had fun on the Carousel.

-Oh, you are our 3rd child! The other two weren't introduced to tablets until 3 (maybe Bella was a bit older!). Here you are at 1 and obsessed.

 -On days where you are demon posessed because of teething the only two things that will get you to return to normal is going outside, or taking a bath. Even though it's been chilly and rainy a lot, it doesn't stop us from walking around the neighborhood, or going out back with the chickens.

-So handsome! I love dressing you up for church. You however, do not love going to church. You start crying when we pull into the parking lot and keep it going for much of your nursery class. Thankfully last week they said you cried for only about the first 10 minutes and then just played!

-Another day of teething, more time outside!

 -You love baths and they really do calm you down. You love the stacker cups and duckies to play with.

-You are obsessed with the baby shark song and will literally listen to it on repeat and dance away!

-All 3 of you love wresting with Daddy, which you call playing Daddy Bear!

-We had a magical snow day this month, and it was so much fun watching how much you love watching it all come down! When it came to touching and eating it, you were pretty suspicious. 

-You LOVE looking outside and seeing birds, planes, anything really! Also, you are obsessed with your elephante and blue lovie...we usually make you keep them in your crib, but occasionally you are able to carry them out after nap and you get SO excited!

-You are definitely outgrowing the jumpy, but you LOVE it! We put it upstairs to go in the attic at the end of the month and you'd still ask to go in : )

Sleeping: No big changes. The first half of the month he was still boycotting or just taking short 35-45 minute naps when teething hard core. No fun. But otherwise you are doing great in the morning, playing quietly in bed til we come get you around 8 or 815 most mornings.Bedtime is still 7ish, nap around 1 or 1:30 most days.

Eating: No major changes. Still spitting out most veggies and animal protein. Loving fruit, yogurt, GF bluebery muffins, veggie straws, smoothies, prates booty, cheese and quesadillas.  

Isaiah Loves:
-Bath time

-Elephante lovie and "blue-y" lovie
-Cars, trucks, trains
-Reading books, favs this month Car, Car Truck Jeep; Wheels on the Bus, Touch and Feel books, Llama Llama Good night
-Being outside, swinging, running around, taking walks in the neighborhood
-Stroller rides while Mama runs
-Baby sign time and Baby Shark songs on You Tube
-Music and dancing!!!

Isaiah Hates:

 -Not being able to go somewhere when someone else goes "bye bye"

20 Month Stats:

 Height:31 in (about 3rd percentile)

Weight: 20.5 lbs (about 3rd percentile)

*Wearing 12 month things now (finally put all the 9 month things away), size 3 diapers, and robeez shoes

*12 teeth (4 top middle, 4 bottom middle, and 4 front molars)