Friday, November 30, 2018

Aubrey is THREE!!!

Our Aubie Aubster is 3 and I'm not even sure how that happened so quickly!  She had one request for her birthday, and that was to have another Bonfire Birthday Party. So we combined her and Dani Leigh's parties, and had one birthday bonfire extravaganza! We ordered pizza, had chips and dip, and of course smores!  Yum!

She got several books (this girl LOVES to read!), a ride on unicorn that sings songs, markers and some coloring and work books, some craft stuff, a couple of PJ night gowns, and a Doc McStuffins lambie and matching game. 

On her actual birthday, she woke up to "Birthday Paypakes" (pancakes) and was excited to run into school telling her teacher she was "Free!!!" 

That night, she chose to have pizza and family movie night, and we watched a show about Disney's Christmas lights. 

It felt like a month of birthday festivities, and you loved it! 

Aubrey's 20 Questions - 3 year old version!

1.) Favorite Color: Blue

2.) Favorite Song: Lollipop, Lollipop oh lollipop

3.) Favorite Toy: Giraffe

4.) Favorite TV Show: PJ Masks

5.) Favorite animal: gaffees (giraffe), horseys and tigedes (tigers)

6.) Favorite Book: Felicity Wishes and Kiss Kiss

7.) Best Friend: Dani

8.) Favorite Fruit: strawberries and grapes

9.) Favorite thing to do outside: Play on our playground

10.) Favorite Restaurant: I don't know. I want to eat a cheesy burger. 

11.) Favorite drink: Water

12.) Favorite holiday: Halloweenie 

13.) What do you sleep with at night? Ladybug, girafee, mermaid, wiggly doll, baby doll, dolphin (and about 45 other misc toys from her toy box she didn't mention!)

14.) Favorite breakfast food: eggies, toast and bacon

15.) Favorite snack: strawberries

16.) What do you want for birthday dinner? Cake

17.) Favorite quiet time activity: painting

18.) Favorite movie: Moana

19.) Favorite memory from this last year: Coloring. No, oh, I don't know Mama!

20.) What do you want to be when you grow up? Superman. No, super girl. 

Aubrey 36 Months!!

Oh my, oh my, our sweet, sassy, feisty, fun, and silly little lady is 3!!! This little girl constantly makes us laugh, keeps us on our toes, and just makes us love her more and more every day!  Aubrey Lynn, you are a true joy. We are so grateful we get to call you "Mama" and "Daddy Bear!"

Happy 36 Months Aubrey Lynn!

36 Month Highlights:
-Halloween fell on the day after you turned 36 months, and Mama had to work, so Daddy took you out trick or treating with Tia and DL! You had a blast going from house to house getting your bucket FULL of candy! Thankfully you both still are ok with the candy disappearing when you get home, and didn't ask for it more than once!

-We also had our second annual Halloween bonfire which was fun! Lots of hotdogs, a few smores, and just good family fun!

-We have thoroughly been enjoying Family Pizza and Movie nights on some Fridays! 

-You love eating things from the garden, and the mini watermelon was no exception! Nobody else liked it (it was rather sour from being picked early before a frost!), but you ate it up!

-We love lazy Saturday mornings, and you both love it because you get to have a picnic breakfast in bed, and then watch a little tablet!

-You both are great big sisters (even though you are pretty aloof with him most times), and you love to sing him songs, show him new toys, or try and make him giggle 

-You don't love naps most days, but when you do nap, you nap hard! This day I had to turn off your fan and sound machine, say your name about 7 times, and rub your head and tummy to wake you up!

-You have effectively potty trained yourself at night over the last 3 months, and Mama finally gave in and let you wear big girl panties to bed since you had been waking up consistently dry over this time period! Most nights you wake up once to potty, and always shout "Mama, Daddy, I have to PEE PEE!!!" in a cute sing song voice. Some nights you make it all the way til 6 or 7 am (hallelujah!), but many nights it's at 2 or 3 am. You can't reach the lights to turn them on, and don't like doing anything in the dark, plus when you're half asleep you tend to trip and fall when climbing on the stool to get on the potty. So for now, we come and help you out. 

-We celebrated Thanksgiving which was a fun, low key day with Mimi, Tia, Uncle G and DL (Pops was in TN visiting Grammy Dot). We had brunch and watched the parade at Tia's, and then came back to our house in the afternoon to cook and chill. That night, you got to unwrap your first Christmas present, which had new Christmas jammies, some window clings, and a goody bag for family movie night. That night, we all watched the movie Star, and you loved it!

Sleeping: You definitely don't love sleep the way Isabella does! Bedtime is around 7:45 ish and you usually are up til about 8:45 or 9pm just playing and singing in bed. You sleep til about 7:30 or so in the morning. 

Naps are at 1:30 or 2, and on the days you do take a nap, it's usually about 1.5 hours long, very occasionally you will nap for 2 hours. However, at least half of the week, you just play in your bed right through nap time. 

Eating: "I'm hungies" is still your motto : ) You are a good eater of the things you love. Favorites include: eggies, toast and turkey bacon, oatmeal, cereal, ham and cheese sandwiches, carrots and hummus, pizza, yogurt squeezies, fruit squeezies, strawberries, grapes, and Moochies : ) You still don't eat anything green, except for the occasional green bean or two. 

The other night we were all watching a cooking show, and someone made a green bean dish. Isabella said, "Ohhhh, that looks good, I LOVE green beans!" -You replied, "Me too, I eat one and then chew chew, swallow, and take a big drink of water. See?? I like them!" We were all cracking up!WEE

Aubrey Loves:
-Eating good food
-Playing on the swing set
-Coloring with markers
-PJ Masks, and other random cartoons
-Looking at Christmas lights
-Sleeping with ALL the animals and toys in her toy box
-Playing Dress Up with Isabella, especially being "Anna" from Frozen
-Playing board games with Mama (Guess Who, Princess Ball game, Matching game)
-Playing Daddy Bear and wresting

Aubrey Hates:
 -Having to take a break in playing to potty
-Not being able to do something Bella can do

36 Month Stats:

Height: 36.5 in (approx 30th percentile)

Weight: 26.5 lb (10th percentile)

*All your teeth are officially in, including the 4 two year molars! Hallelujah!

*Wearing 2T stuff still, you are mighty petite!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Isahiah Jae 5 Months!

OK, now I can officially say we have hit a stride and time is FLYING by!!! How is our little man already 5 months old!?!? You are still one serious baby, so when we do get those big gummy grins and occasional giggles, it just melts our heart!!

Happy 5 Months Isaiah Jae!

5 Month Highlights:
-Your cry has definitely changed over this month, and in the last week you've (finally) become quite vocal! Your cry has gone from super quiet, we can't even hear you when your door is closed, to "Yup, Zae is up again!"

-You had your 4 month appointment at the beginning of the month and everything looked great! You are growing (although still at the bottom of the growth chart!) and meeting milestones appropriately!

-As much as we say you are a serious baby, when you do smile, I mean...come on!!!

-We celebrated Halloween this month and while that didn't mean much to you, it meant Mama got to dress you up in cute, festive outfits a few times!

-Isabella loves taking picture of everyone. Here's one of "Daddy and baby brother....isn't he SO cute!?!? (-Isabella)

-Your room is definitely a work in progress, but things are coming along. Mimi found a brand new mobile that had perfect colors at GoodWill, and you love watching it while Mama puts clothes away. And yes, you wear a pink swaddle over your modified swaddle to keep you warm at night. Hey, two big sisters!

-Your head control has gotten a lot better this month, but you are still kinda floppy. That being said, we can put you in the boppy or this bumbo seat so you can watch what's going on, as long as we stand close by to hold your head. 

-You absolutely love your piano play mat and bouncy seat! You are getting much better at actually grabbing to toys and playing with them.

-You are just a super cute, content little nugget! You love just hanging out and laying on a cozy blanket while Mama coos over you and entertains you : )

-I can't stop with the kisses and snuggles!!! You don't seem to mind! I'm soaking it all in with you little nuggie!

-We like to have Family Movie nights on Fridays, and you started partaking lately (which mostly involves you falling asleep on Daddy at some point). Either way, one particular Friday, Mama had to work so Daddy sent pics of your Family Movie night. Made my day : )
Side note, you LOVE your left hand in your mouth! It comforts you, and you just suck away on your fist. 

-You love bonfires...clearly : ) Especially when Mama dresses you like one of the
marshmallows! But you do love your Aunter Stine!

-Happy little guy!

-Practicing rolling from tummy to back! You use your big noggin to throw yourself over. It cracks us up!

-Daddy loves snugging you on his chest!! One of his all time favorite things with all 3 littles!

 -The many expressions of Isaiah Jae

-Bathtime has definitely gotten more enjoyable because you are liking it a bit more. You kick your legs and occasionally splash with your hands.

-We had some gorgeous weather near the middle of the month, so while big sisters were napping, we'd go out onto the covered porch and just enjoy the fresh air!! You were happy on your playmat, and mama was happy flipping through a magazine or watching a show. 

-Evening time can be a bit chaotic, especially lately since big sister's have had colds ALL month! Urgh. But thankfully you all love music, and Mama found out you all will sit and watch Baby Einstein or Praise Baby for 30 minutes or so, so Mama could get dinner on the table!

-Not so sure you're loving tummy time. Maybe!?

-Mimi's little photo shoot with Tia's quilt : )


Sleeping: Overall you are a rock star sleeping, especially at night, and can I even complain about anything else! Nope!! That being said, you hit the "4 Month sleep regression" in napping this month. You have a couple days a week where you will consolidate sleep into actual naps with a longer wake time in between, but most days you sleep for 35-45 minutes, then are up for about 45 min to an hour. Usually on these days, you try to get a one hour, or slightly longer nap! It's just all completely unpredictable.

Nights are different though! I will say, no baby every understands Daylight Savings Time. Urgh, I wish we didn't follow it!  You were going to bed around 6:30 most nights, and we wake you to eat at 9pm, then you'd sleep til about 8 or 8:30 am!!  After the time change, you don't really know when to go to sleep! Some nights you are ready by 4:30 or 5, and while I think it's a last nap, you have other plans and just keep sleeping. BUT, then you wake up at 6 am, and that's a no thank you for Mama. We still are feeding you at night, usually around 8:30 or 9 pm. We just need to work on this whole bedtime/waking time routine.  

*So I wrote the above about a week before you hit 5 months, and ate my words for most nights that week. I don't know if it was sleep regression, or your little cold, or both, but whew, there were many wake ups and fussing and all out crying for about 3 hours each night which was rough! 

Eating: You are still eating 5 times a day, occasionally 6. For the first and usually second feed of the day, you take one side and are done in about 10 minutes. For the remaining 3-4 feeds, you take both sides and are done in about 15 minutes. When Mimi or Daddy feeds you while Mama is at work you eat on about the same schedule, and will take anywhere from 2 to 6 oz at a time. Overall, you get about 20 oz for all the feeds Mimi/Daddy gives you, and then Mama comes home and feeds you before bedtime. 

Isaiah Loves:

-Piano play mat
-Being held
-Facing forward to watch everything going on in the room
-Elephant paci
-Having his head rubbed
-Being swaddled with the modified arms-up swaddle (we stopped using traditional tight swaddles this month)
-Sleeping in his room, dark, sound machine on

Isaiah Hates:
-Getting buckled into his carseat, or being in his car seat for long periods of time

5 Month Stats:
-Height: 25 in (15th percentile)

18 weeks- 13 lbs
20 weeks- 13 lb 4 oz
5 Months (day before 22 weeks) - 13 lb 13 oz

*No teeth yet
*Wearing 3 mo or 3-6 month things
*Still in size 1 diapers

Isaiah's Firsts this Month:
 -Rolling from tummy to back - 19 weeks

Weekly Pictures: